Example sentences of "may [be] regarded [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Life may be regarded as an austere struggle , blighted by fate , where only the rich and the lucky fare well .
32 Or life may be regarded as a battlefield fit for conquerors , with rich pickings for the strong .
33 The feelings may be regarded as an interpretation of the activity .
34 In addition to rule-making , thereby reducing the degree of uncertainty confronting workers and management , it can also be a vehicle for resolving disputes , a power relationship and , where it takes place at enterprise or plant level , it may be regarded as a form of participation for workers or their representatives ( see Chapter 7 ) .
35 By this means a single employer is selected for the initial claim and the resultant settlement is then extended to the rest of the industry — an arrangement which , in some respects , may be regarded as a de facto form of industry-wide bargaining .
36 Bulgaria was an autonomous though tributary principality under the suzerainty of the sultan ; it may be regarded as an independent state although a weak one .
37 So much then for what may be regarded as general principles , applicable to all .
38 There are two main methods of budding — that which may be regarded as the traditional way , and another ‘ new ’ method that is more often used for other shrubs and trees — although we were using it 40 years ago on both bush and standard roses .
39 What may be regarded as a great bureaucracy has in fact great achievements to its credit .
40 Every accident may be regarded as the result of the action of a human being somewhere along the line .
41 The requirement of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 Section 17 that each LEA should formulate a written policy on the range and balance of the school curriculum , and then that each school should consider but not necessarily follow that LEA policy , may be regarded as a brief , and confusing , interlude in the movement towards a national curriculum .
42 ONE bomb in the City of London may be regarded as a misfortune , as Lady Bracknell might have put it ; two looks like carelessness .
43 Thus , the 10cmkyr -1 rate for the LDO may be regarded as a minimum .
44 H1 and H5 are homologous , and H5 , which is the predominant form of linker histone in avian erythrocytes , may be regarded as an extreme variant of H1 .
45 To some extent these differing viewpoints may be regarded as ideological positions advanced in the defence of the interests of particular groups , notably the natural parents and the ‘ substitute carers ’ ( foster- and adoptive parents ) .
46 They are irregular systems , and may be regarded as companions of our Galaxy , since both lie within 200000 light-years of us — as against over 2000000 light-years for the Andromeda Spiral .
47 It follows , too , for anyone who refuses to believe that universalizability is a necessary element in the meaning of ‘ ought ’ as opposed to the meaning of ‘ all ’ , that such a normative system , replete with content flowing from the ‘ millenary labour ’ of many heads , hearts and hands , constantly in flux , but also sufficiently determinate to guide conduct , may be regarded as a socially valid positive system of morality .
48 The Crusades may be regarded as wars fought in the name of ideology and religion .
49 This may be regarded as the last fling of this relationship .
50 In one sense they may be regarded as the successors to , sometimes the heirs of , the small- nationality movements directed against the Habsburg , Tsarist and Ottoman empires , that is to say against what were considered historically obsolete modes of political organisation , in the name of a model of political modernity , the nation-state .
51 If people are accorded status because of the respect in which their achievements are held , then status may be regarded as a normal part of social life .
52 Shiels or shields are cottages , direct from the Anglo-Saxon , so the town of Galashiels may be regarded as cottages by a stream , or as scattered cottages .
53 The etymology here could well indicate the contact during sleep between the living and the dead , in which case sleep may be regarded as a miniature death that takes a person away from the conscious life of the day .
54 We may write this equation as unc Equation ( 5 ) is known as a parametric solution : since we have only n — s independent relations we can determine only n — s unknowns ( y ) in terms of the remaining s quantities ( z ) , which may be regarded as arbitrary parameters in the problem .
55 It may be regarded as a set of techniques , rather than a theoretically predetermined system for the writing of linguistic ‘ rules ’ .
56 ‘ To experience one transmat journey may be regarded as a misfortune , ’ she said .
57 Donoghue v. Stevenson may be regarded as a milestone , and the well known passage in Lord Atkin 's speech should I think be regarded as a statement of principle .
58 Nationalism may also contain racial elements in so far as particular nations may be regarded as deriving from specific racial stocks ; and biologically defined communities may be regarded as the prime source of cultural characteristics .
59 Although they may be regarded as suitable accommodation by some people , especially retired couples able to afford good-quality mobile homes , relatively poor facilities and frequently isolated locations make them less than ideal for the majority of inhabitants .
60 In my view , that provision lends support to the view that a receiver appointed over the property of an unregistered company may be regarded as an administrative receiver within the meaning of the Act of 1986 .
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