Example sentences of "should [be] referred to " in BNC.

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1 Being an air-dried product , Parma ham is raw and should be referred to as ‘ prosciutto crudo ’ — prosciutto is the Italian word for ham and may refer to cheaper hams that may look like Parma but are not .
2 The suggestion that disputes should be referred to the Lord Treasurer , the Chancellor and the Court of Exchequer was an unwarrantable encroachment upon the jurisdiction of the Forest Justices in Eyre ,
3 In each case , if I am to claim that this revelation or experience is of ‘ God ’ , and is not simply an expression of some form of mental delusion which should be referred to a psychoanalyst , then I am forced to debate the interpretation that I am giving .
4 Strictly speaking it is only these transformations , applied in the potential space , that should be referred to as Ehlers transformations ( Ehlers , 1957 ) .
5 The growing body of literature on the subject should be referred to for more detailed treatment .
6 Ahi sā , in its positive form , reflects a great deal of the teaching of the New Testament on love and it is not really surprising that Jesus should be referred to as one who manifested ahi sā in its perfect form .
7 All cases of pica should be referred to a doctor .
8 The CA 1985 should be referred to for the detail .
9 Faced with the two conflicting bids the Department of Trade and Industry decided that the agreed merger between Imperial and UB should be referred to the Monopolies and Merger Commission ( MMC ) , as the combined company would hold over 40 per cent of the snack food market — this together with a similar share of the market held by Nabisco would create a duopolistic situation in the market .
10 The information contained on Form BD8 was previously the main criterion for deciding whether a pupil required education in a special school or an ordinary school , and whether the pupil should be referred to and educated as a blind or a partially sighted child .
11 For changes proposed during the development of a sub-system , each change should be referred to the Development Manager .
12 Any queries or concerns should be referred to the Computer Group Manager .
13 It remains our conviction that the umpires have done their conscientious best throughout the summer , and that only ‘ line decisions ’ ( run-outs , stumpings , boundary incidents ) should be referred to a third umpire who has a TV playback monitor .
14 Should a dispute arise between the seller and the buyer , the matter should be referred to a mutually agreed Queen 's Counsel [ a senior lawyer ] whose decision would be binding .
15 Overall a useful book , but it should not be read in isolation , and other texts should be referred to in order to supplement its deficiencies .
16 If so , the House has the opportunity to consider whether the matter should be referred to the Committee of Privileges .
17 In case of dispute between custody officer and investigating officer ( who may often outrank him ) , section 39(6) provides that the matter should be referred to an officer of the rank of superintendent or above .
18 It will be the Master of the Rolls who decides whether an appeal is so important that it should be referred to a court composed of more than three judges , even though decisions of such courts formally have no greater weight than those of three judge courts .
19 They sat together in the darkness , in front of the log fire which was welcome on a summer night suddenly grown cool , and Molly wondered why S. Kettering should be referred to in the past tense .
20 That letter was placed before a planning sub-committee on 17 March 1983 , when it was resolved that the matter should be referred to the works committee .
21 All women with hyperprolactinaemia ( >1000 mU/l ) should be referred to an endocrinologist for further assessment and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary
22 The case law upon this point has already been examined and should be referred to for the purposes of the discussion which follows .
23 It is exactly the same here except that the Act does not say that the ‘ guidelines ’ in Schedule 2 should be referred to .
24 All queries or doubts concerning breaches of Warranty should be referred to Head Office Branch Claims immediately for a decision .
25 If such a settlement is agreed , the matter should be referred to your Underwriters immediately and they will decide what cover can be given for the future .
26 If we have only been on cover for a short time and it is clear that the majority of the damage occurred before we came on cover , the claim should be referred to the previous insurers .
27 A loss of travellers cheques should be referred to the issuing bank or travel agent who should be able to refund the loss to the Policyholder .
28 The matter had been taken up with the Bank of Ireland and he would be recommending to the incoming Executive Committee that it should be referred to the Labour Court , on the basis that it is gross discrimination .
29 I have set out below a brief paragraph in respect of each question which you could use in your replies , however I would be grateful if you would qualify any replies to indicate that these are general answers and that any specific queries on individual cases should be referred to the Council Tax Section at Chesser House or myself .
30 A panel appointed to consider the scheme will recommend to that committee that the planning application should be referred to the Secretary of State .
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