Example sentences of "may be responsible [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from gonococcal infection , certain other bacteria are sometimes found in the urethra and may be responsible for the signs and symptoms of NGU .
2 Some strains may be responsible for a small percentage of non-gonococcal infections , but are often found in people who have neither symptoms nor any other evidence of urethritis .
3 The latter are sometimes forgotten and left in the vagina at the end of a period and may be responsible for a persistent , foul , vaginal discharge , which is , however , easy to treat .
4 The mother who speaks with obvious dread about a forthcoming visit to the dentist may be responsible for unintentionally passing on that fear to her child .
5 There is nothing within official NACAB policy that gives any support whatsoever to a distinction between paid and voluntary staff , but traditional British attitudes may be responsible for differentiation .
6 Therefore , HDL may be responsible for the return of cholesterol from the periphery to the liver where mature HDL particles are recognised by hepatocyte receptors , leading to uptake and finally degradation for biliary excretion of cholesterol ( Tall & Small , 1978 ) .
7 The Rusey complex ( Q ) disappears beneath Permo-Triassic cover at the Exe valley ; aeromagnetic trends suggest its leading edge may be responsible for the South Dorset — Isle of Wight disturbances further east .
8 It seems a pity that investigators have relied almost entirely on traditional IQ tests , which can be affected by impulsivity and other personality factors related to hyperactivity ; it is quite possible that the effects of lead on hyperactivity may be responsible for the apparent loss of IQ , even if we acknowledge a causal influence of lead on hyperactivity .
9 The wrong sort of chair may be responsible for many of our backaches today .
10 In this , tenants of certain lands were responsible for making as much of the Horngarth as belonged to that land — as today , for instance , a tenant may be responsible for maintaining particular footpaths or fences which may cross his land .
11 However , like many genetically determined characteristics — some of which indeed may be responsible for illness or deviance — such dispositions may not be expressed , or , if they are , expressed in incomplete form , or even revealed in qualities which at first sight seem distant from , even unconnected with , the pathology for which they are otherwise responsible .
12 Another figure may be responsible for drawing us out , eliciting all kinds of pained and disagreeable reactions .
13 In other families the mother may be responsible for the discipline and management of the house and feel she can never have fun with the child and that father seems to have all the nice times .
14 Implement the planned programme of nursing care , and where appropriate , teach and coordinate other members of the caring team who may be responsible for implementing specific aspects of the nursing care .
15 Mutations in several Pax genes lead to severe developmental abnormalities : ( 1 ) a mutation in the paired box of murine Pax-1 leads to the undulated phenotype which exhibits distortions of the vertebral column ; ( 2 ) a mutation in the Pax-6 gene leads to the semidominant Small eye phenotype in mouse and a mutation in the putative human homologue of this gene may be responsible for the aniridia disorder ; ( 3 ) mutations in the putative human homologue to Pax-3 ( HuP2 ) occasionally lead to hearing loss associated with Waardenburg 's syndrome , whereas in mouse a deletion in Pax-3 causes the splotch phenotype which is associated with spina bifida , exencephaly , a tail flexion defect and deficiencies in neural crest cell derivatives .
16 Our results indicate that epidermal LC express functional cadherins and suggest that cadherins may be responsible for certain biological properties of these highly specialized bone marrow-derived cells , including their propensity to persist in epidermis .
17 These disorders are phenotypically distinct , depending on the parent of origin of the deleted chromosome , but both syndromes are often associated with hypopigmentation of the skin , hair and eyes ( see ref. 8 for review ) , and deletion of the P gene may be responsible for this hypopigmentation .
18 Phosphorylation of the serine ( S ) at 1,248 by PKC or PKA may be responsible for inhibiting signal transduction .
19 It is so much easier to prescribe a pill than to change the social conditions that may be responsible for the severity of the symptoms .
20 This relationship does suggest that the syndrome of class-differentiated response styles ( and the related question of class-differentiated norms of feminine domesticity ) may be responsible for the difference in mentions of the housewife role by class .
21 A further 7 per cent ( 31 ) of ulcers occurred above the gaiter area ; trauma may be responsible for some of these , particularly those on the anterior aspect , but the aetiological pattern of ulcers occurring in this region have been found to be so varied that positive aetiological indicators can not be identified from the ulcer site alone .
22 To attribute any subsequent pathology in the child to that single event would be misleading , for it is but one link in a chain of traumata , any one of which — or , more likely , the sum total of all — may be responsible for the child 's condition .
23 Indeed , the fact that performance varied between the two logical items suggests that factors other than the physical/psychological/logical distinction may be responsible for the variations in performance .
24 Donald Goodenough , in his scholarly review of the very technical evidence on this issue comparing the recall of dreams by different personality types , comes to the conclusion that while repression may be responsible for the forgetting of some dreams , it is not feasible that it could account for the majority .
25 Several factors , sometimes working concurrently , may be responsible for the winning of excess seats .
26 The magnetite particles on the honeybee 's abdomen may be responsible for the bee 's sensitivity to the Earth 's magnetic field .
27 First , he or she may be responsible for putting forward new legislation .
28 In fact , since C/EBPα can also act as a repressor on some promoters or enhancers ( 46–47 ) , it is possible that down-regulation of C/EBPα by IL-6 may be responsible for the induction of C/EBP δ/NF-IL6; β .
29 A product management structure may be superimposed on a functional structure in a matrix ; product or brand managers may be responsible for the sales budget , production budget , pricing , marketing , distribution , quality and costs of their product or product line , but may have to coordinate with the R & D , production , finance , distribution , and sales departments in order to bring the product on to the market and achieve sales targets , ie :
30 There is now increasing evidence that smaller cells of diameter 2–20 um have been seriously underestimated in energy budgets ; they may be responsible for half the total primary production in southern waters and no less in the north .
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