Example sentences of "may be available [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To this list we can also add some particular tasks that should not be handed over to subordinates or indeed other specialists who may be available to you :
2 This existing history of ‘ miraculous ’ cures is just a hint of what may be available to the human mind struggling to find a way to greater self-help in coping with ill health and adversity , if only the vitally necessary ‘ faith ’ were more easily grasped and held on to .
3 The Department of Health and Social Security are concerned that all elderly people who are in need should receive the appropriate help to which they are entitled , and the visiting officers are always pleased to explain what other benefits a successful claimant may have automatically , but even if a supplementary pension or allowance is not granted , if their income is below a certain level some of the extra benefits such as free dentures , spectacles , hospital fares , and rate rebates ( this last is not usually granted to those on supplementary pensions ) may be available to them .
4 It can give moral support and advice on numerous problems connected with your and your parent 's rights to various types of State benefits and services , the support that may be available to you from voluntary bodies , and help in planning ahead for accommodation if this proves necessary when your parent dies .
5 The BD8 Form is sent to the Social Services Department and a social worker will then visit the family to inform them about the services and allowances that may be available to them .
6 In modern societies written records are kept by all kinds of agencies , and some may be available to social researchers .
7 The leave of the court or of some other official agency may be required and official assistance may be available to those who choose to avail themselves of it ; but no special steps to initiate the actual business of service abroad will be mandatory .
8 As part of a cost-cutting exercise in the year when their franchises are up for grabs , the ITV companies have singled out eight popular shows that may be available to commercial sponsors in the future .
9 Compensation for unfair dismissal or redundancy may be available to you if you have lost your job and fulfil the qualifying requirements .
10 Legal advice may be available to you if you are a trade union member [ or a member of a staff association ] .
11 The tax losses of a company may be available to the purchaser of the shares in the company but are not available to the purchaser of the assets unless the hive across procedure is followed ( see Chapter 7 , page 127 ) .
12 For instance , it may be available to members of a family who use the same for a number of days during the year or for weekends .
13 Your house should also be in reasonable repair to obtain a grant , but if it is n't , help may be available through Renovation Grants — seek advice from your local council .
14 These may be available through local outlets .
15 Specialist nursing or care at home for people with a terminal illness may be available through Macmillan nurses , provided by Cancer Relief , and Marie Curie Foundation nurses , or from a local hospice .
16 Some assistance may be available through existing EC aid initiatives to eastern Europe .
17 Some aids may be available on loan from the Red Cross , Age Concern groups , the WRVS or other organisations .
18 A limited number of adaptors may be available on request .
19 A specialist nursery has the advantage that it can advise on the growing conditions in which the herb does best and advice may be available on the various ways of using it .
20 In a monolingual situation , films with subtitles in the national language may be available on video .
21 A copy of the application may be inspected in my Department between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm from Monday to Thursday and from 9.00 am and 4.00 pm on Friday , or may be available on request from the Clerk to the Parish Council or Parish Meeting .
22 Plans of RBG buildings on microfiche are available from PSA and in the future may be available on disk for the PC running Autocad software .
23 It may well induce the other party to conclude the contract , in which case a remedy may be available on the basis of misrepresentation if the statement turns out to be untrue .
24 And see below as to the new practice whereby a Form 53 duly executed by a building society may be available on completion .
25 However , in an appropriate case if the spouse of the settlor took a life interest after the settlor 's life interest the spouse exemption may be available on the settlor 's death under s18 of the Act but subject to s18(2) .
26 In practice , this means that mortgage loans may be available for small-scale workshops , derelict but sound houses which would otherwise be abandoned , houses with energy-saving features and organic smallholdings .
27 These conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries and copies of the conditions which apply to your holiday journey may be available for inspection either at our offices or at the office of the carrier concerned .
28 LEFT As well as general dog instruction , specialist courses may be available for training gundogs , such as this Weimaraner .
29 Such support may be available for groups of teachers who share a common predicament — such as women , ethnic minority teachers , new teachers or headteachers .
30 In special situations , such as sales by receivers or trustees , less protection may be available for the acquirer .
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