Example sentences of "very likely [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The cost of photocopying can mount up if you have to go to a local shop and pay several pence a sheet , whereas there are very likely to be local supporters who have photocopiers and are willing to run off a hundred copies at no charge .
2 Sir Denys had little doubt that the coming months seem set to be as difficult as 1991 was for most countries , ‘ It would not be prudent at this stage to attempt to predict when recovery might begin ’ , he said , ‘ But when it comes , it is very likely to be gradual ’ .
3 Absorption from such sites is very likely to be erratic , leading to poorly controlled diabetes and possibly unexplained hypoglycaemia .
4 The newspaper reporters , the commercial writers and the popularizers may have great social insight and great interviewing skills , but their work is very likely to be strongly value-laden and biased and they are not working for the development of sociological theory .
5 Weak bones are very likely to be broken as hens are pulled out of their cages , and the entire process appears to frighten and exhaust the birds .
6 The academy is responsible for issuing funding for postgraduate work in humanities , and their proposal is very likely to be implemented by Whitehall .
7 If he happens to take his eye of the ball , he is very likely to be bowled , and if he hits the ball it may go to any point on the ground where the possibilities of making runs , being caught or surviving an appeal to the umpire are all on the cards .
8 Ask any élite marathoner what he/she most wants after a race and the answer is very likely to be a massage .
9 If you already have a table-top VCR machine , it is very likely to be this format and you will no doubt have a stock of VHS cassettes which use standard 12.7 mm ( ½ in ) video tape .
10 In addition , it necessitates the involvements of capital receipts and private finance — neither very likely to be accessible to church and church-related community groups .
11 The attitudes of women to work in the home are very likely to be related to other attitudes they hold — such as those to paid employment , to marriage , to child-socialization , to leisure activities and so on .
12 These will be discussed first because , for these questions , conceptual difficulty is very likely to be the problem for all the " lowest 40 per cent " ( and for pupils at higher levels of attainment ) .
13 In particular , some topics are picked out which are very likely to be difficult for the top third of the " lowest 40 per cent " .
14 We chose to investigate in the first place the speech of those who are not very likely to be directly affected by mainstream norms , and whose speech is of the type that had been least explored by descriptive linguists — the urban working class .
15 Social class and rural-urban contrasts , and different relations with British colonial states and education systems , are very likely to be involved as causal influences here , and Swann could well have commissioned research to explore some of the underlying issues .
16 A similar situation is very likely to be repeated in years to come .
17 But those barristers retained to represent the Government — called Treasury Counsel — are very likely to be offered High Court judgeships in due course .
18 However , neither the fact that lone mothers have a very high risk of poverty nor the fact that they are very likely to be dependent on state income support are particularly new .
19 For example , a collision between a pedestrian and a car is very likely to be described by a speaker as a boy being run over by a car , rather than as a car knocking a boy down .
20 The clinical use is different : here one uses syndromes to help one be aware that , for example , if you notice symptom x in a patient , you ought to test for the presence of symptoms y and z , since they are very likely to be present .
21 The present rate for the Earth is such that a crater over 10 km diameter is very likely to be produced somewhere on dry land at some time over the next 200 000 years .
22 Although this assumption is very likely to be wrong it is still a usable forecast in the sense that it may be no more wrong than forecasts of change that get it wrong .
23 ‘ They are n't very likely to be able to help her , are they ?
24 For all of this , you might well expect to pay a premium price , but with a recommended price of £149 , which is very likely to be discounted to under the £100 mark , DesignWorks lies in the ‘ affordable ’ bracket .
25 ‘ I doubt if you 'll have heard of a Romany having a magistrate removed from office either , Mr Peck , but make one arrest here and you 're very likely to be the first . ’
26 It is artificially constrained in a way that ensures that the burden is not fairly distributed and those at the top end of the property range , and very likely to be at the top end of the income range , are being given shelter which is not justified .
27 Nevertheless , this , or something similar , is very likely to be what happened .
28 At the moment , we 've got , Devon County Council 's Recycling Working Party who are very likely to be paying our site 's rental charges , for at least the first year to get us off the ground .
29 It was recognised that the exclusive pursuit of higher things was very likely to be unremunerative except in certain of the more saleable arts , and even then prosperity would come only in mature years : the poor student or young artist , as private tutor or guest at the Sunday dinner-table , was a recognised subaltern part of the bourgeois family , at any rate in those parts of the world in which culture was highly respected .
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