Example sentences of "new sources of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was not just that they helped out at the occasional by-election , but that they ‘ pointed to new sources of support whose eventual accommodation , and to new issues whose eventual resolution , would ultimately modify the party itself and help equip it for the challenges of post-war politics ’ .
2 The genuine popularity of the Prince , his self-evident concern and compassion , and events like his fortieth birthday party ( held in a Birmingham tram shed ) are drawing on new sources of support for the institution of monarchy beyond the recesses of middle-class dreaming .
3 The 1988 social security changes have always been on the agenda of the project and with the abolition of additional requirements and single payments , new sources of support must be found for the core families .
4 These families may be described as a traditional élite ; in the twentieth century they either found new sources of wealth and influence or became local notables .
5 If this theory is right , then the presence of tigers in Siberia today is accounted for by the fact that when the ice relented and moved northward again , the tiger , complete with its new stripes , followed in search of fresh fields and new sources of prey .
6 Having emptied the citadel of gold and silver he left Limoges and went off in search of new sources of pay for his mercenaries .
7 Whereas many developed countries are learning to resolve the contradictions and find new sources of advantage , we found that in our three countries the choices forced on them were not readily perceived as necessarily beneficial .
8 Just as the company was about to enter a crisis period through shortage of water , Meirion Rowlands , then Production Director , thought to use copper divining rods to search for new sources of water in the hills he knew so well .
9 It has been confirmed this week that political parties will no longer get financial subsidies , and the party urgently needs new sources of money .
10 An expanded repertoire has meant new sources of money .
11 There were new sources of inspiration .
12 The discovery of new sources of inspiration , world events , emotional and intellectual disturbances , or the stimulus provided by new contacts in his personal life , mark starting points for various periods into which his artistic career can be divided .
13 I had , as I have said , hardly any money left , so with no new sources of income on the horizon , the sensible thing to do was to sleep rough .
14 So farmers are looking hard for new sources of income and , to be fair , the Government is encouraging the search : grants are available for feasibility studies ( 50% of cost ) , for employing a marketing person ( 40% in the first year but decreasing after that ) and for capital expenditure ( 25% up to a limit of £40,000 ) .
15 But neither they nor an unreformed Exchequer could handle the large new sources of income brought into being by Henry VIII 's breach with Rome : the first fruits of bishoprics , the tenths of all ecclesiastical benefices , the revenue from the renting and sale of monastic lands .
16 The future of newly-formed UK firm , Goldmine Technologies Ltd , Berkhamstead , Hertfordshire , was hanging in the balance last week , as its Swiss parent , Goldmine Technologies AG , Zug , Switzerland , tried to stump up new sources of venture funding for the group ( UX No 382 ) .
17 Goldmine AG boss , Kurt Halm , admitted the company was being re-structured but expected new sources of venture funding to come forward as we went to press .
18 The attempts by banks in recent years to find new sources of deposit has become known as liability management , and signifies an important change in bank behaviour .
19 When not banging on about the sins of Vin Garbutt , the shaggy-haired Teesside warbler responsible for Little Innocents and other anti-abortion songs , certain feminist folkies have taken to conducting vigilante patrols through Folk Roots magazine in search of new sources of offence .
20 And new efforts also tend to require special information , more data , new sources of knowledge .
21 MID WALES : New sources of sand , gravel and crushed rock will be needed to not only to meet the demand in Mid Wales , but adjoining areas of England as well .
22 The other approach was to switch the emphasis away from the development of new sources of electricity supply to the issue of how the demand for power could be controlled in the first place .
23 I am delighted with the progress that we are making in finding new sources of electricity generation .
24 Like America 's thrifts , mutual banks and credit unions rushed to lend to property developers in the hope of finding new sources of profit .
25 Despite being a non-attainment or ‘ dirty ’ areas , new sources of pollution could be built providing that first , the proposed plant installed pollution control technology which ensured the ‘ lowest achievable emission rate ’ ( LAER ) ; and second , that the proposed emissions were offset by reductions in emissions from existing sources in the area ( the ‘ emission offset ’ policy ) .
26 Not only does the programme require that new sources of pollution must use the ‘ best available control technology ’ ( BACT ) to minimize their impact on air quality , but it also limits the additional pollution which can be added to the air .
27 The history of welfare state legislation and of political interventions to manage economic development is interpreted as a fairly consistent chronicle of dominant business interests recognizing that government regulation protects their established position from new sources of competition at home or abroad , or fosters growth in demand which they could not secure by other means .
28 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
29 But existing power structures , not the new technology , will determine the boundaries of the new sources of power .
30 Social workers should be able to help people with a disability express their feelings , adjust to new roles , find new sources of strength and generally cope with the psychological impact of disability .
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