Example sentences of "'s membership of the " in BNC.

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1 Tory MPs said last night that the increase in interest rates would intensify the pressure on the Prime Minister to allow the Chancellor to go ahead with Britain 's membership of the European Monetary System .
2 Partly as a result , there was growing market speculation yesterday that the Prime Minister might reconsider her strong objections to sterling 's membership of the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System .
3 The party now accepts Britain 's membership of the European Community and in the 1989 Euro-elections claimed to be the party of ‘ good Europeans ’ .
4 In Norway the multi-party system was further fragmented by the 1972 referendum on Norway 's membership of the European Community .
5 And while there were crudely economic motives in , for example , sending Hitchcock to reconstruct English and Oriental settings in Italy and Germany for his first film , The Pleasure Garden ( 1925 ) , it did at least show that he was as aware as the Film Society 's membership of the backwardness of British films .
6 They grumble that the company 's membership of the British Franchise Association gave it a ring of confidence in which investors put their faith .
7 WESTERN powers threatened yesterday to suspend Serbia 's membership of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe as they launched a campaign against the republic to try to halt the bloodshed in Bosnia-Hercegovina .
8 It is often said that Britain 's membership of the Community is good for British business , and attention is drawn to the volume of our trade with the Community .
9 Tory and Labour were united in supporting Britain 's membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism , and look how wrong they were over that .
10 Those who advocate caution in allowing a rapid decline in interest rates , and in consequence a further devaluation of the pound , can point to the period of sterling 's membership of the ERM as the most effective discipline the UK has experienced — an incentive to force down both inflation and interest rates .
11 It is worth noting that in the period of sterling 's membership of the ERM the cumulative decrease in GDP has been approximately 4% , while UK wages have increased by 6% , a gap not substantially reduced by productivity growth .
12 But Tony Curtis 's membership of the Rat Pack was short-lived .
13 The failure of Britain 's membership of the European Monetary System should have led to a complete rethink of the Maastricht agreement to move to a single currency .
14 A conference for anyone who works in Adult Education , to explore the impact of Britain 's membership of the European Community on Adult Education .
15 A network extended to draw in sympathetic local Anglican clergymen in their part of Suffolk , Arthur and Jane Biddell ( Clarkson 's agent , a wealthy farmer and his wife ) and , via Mrs Biddell 's membership of the Ransome family , to the Quaker iron manufacturing and philanthropic family in Ipswich .
16 This is at least partly due to Greece 's membership of the European Community .
17 The presence of such energetic ladies as Bessie Pullen Burry in the Britons , of Nesta Webster and Catherine Stoddart in the Duke of Northumberland 's publishing concerns , as well as Rotha Lintorn Orman 's role in the British Fascists and Mary Allen 's , Mary Richardson 's and Mrs Dacre-Fox 's membership of the BUF , suggested a peculiar side-effect of the suffragette movement ; political commitment and involvement could develop in very different directions from the dedicated socialism of Sylvia Pankhurst or the militant conservatism of her mother and sister .
18 Britain 's membership of the ERM and the progress towards monetary union by the year 1999 represent a landmark in British financial history .
19 ‘ Sovereignty ’ is a word open to misunderstanding and one that is used in the sphere of international law ( for example , the dispute with Argentina over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands ) , and also in the political arena ( for example , in the debates on the United Kingdom 's membership of the European Community and on subsequent issues such as the Single European Act 1986 and European Monetary Union , there was considerable rhetoric on sovereignty ) .
20 Between 1935 and 1939 , the last four years of Nizan 's membership of the PCF , his thoughts were dominated by little else .
21 Nizan 's membership of the PCF between 1927 and 1939 straddled two markedly different periods of French communist history , political , ideological and cultural .
22 Nizan 's membership of the PCF and his active life as a novelist between 1927 and 1940 coincided precisely with a period described by Lucien Goldmann as a moment of deep structural crisis in early twentieth-century capitalism .
23 Thus , for example , Diego Rivera 's membership of the Communist party did not stop him from painting radical murals on the walls of government buildings .
24 A person 's membership of the committee is automatically terminated : ( i ) if he becomes bankrupt ( his trustee replaces him ) or he compounds with his creditors ; ( ii ) if he is not present or represented at three consecutive meetings ( unless at the third meeting it is resolved that this rule will not apply ) ; and ( iii ) if he ceases to be or is found never to have been a creditor ( r 6.158 ) .
25 What , indeed , have been the measurable ( especially economic ) benefits of Britain 's membership of the EEC ?
26 With the collapse of Britain 's membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism on Wednesday , 16 September 1992 , the trend towards monetary integration was in theory temporarily halted .
27 These years coincided precisely with Britain 's membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism ( ERM ) .
28 On balance , I believe that Britain 's membership of the EEC has been of some benefit in terms of the home market which she has gained and will continue to gain as and when her partners honour their commitments to complete the Single Market ; however , as should be clear from the figures quoted in Chapter 5 , the assertion that EEC membership has been good for Britain is open to question .
29 We held a referendum on Britain 's membership of the Community in order to extract the Labour party from the difficulty that it was in at the time .
30 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent discussions he has had with the United States Government regarding that country 's aid and trade embargo against Vietnam and its veto against Vietnam 's membership of the IMF and the World bank .
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