Example sentences of "'s analysis of the " in BNC.

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1 Sir : Paul Barker 's analysis of the shambles of planning policy in the South-east in the aftermath of Foxley Wood was most perceptive ( 9 October ) .
2 It is here that Coetzee 's work suffers from the lack of a more ambitious comparative framework , Coetzee 's work on the Conservative leagues is similar to Geoffrey Eley 's analysis of the German ‘ radical right ’ before 1914 .
3 Dr Clarke 's analysis of the proceedings of the Macmillan Committee , which occupies five chapters out of thirteen , is outstanding .
4 Pigou shared Keynes 's analysis of the disequilibrium between savings and investment , and was prepared to endorse public works .
5 Stone 's analysis of the legislation provides a valuable corrective to those who have argued that it represented a revolutionary change .
6 Similarly , A. James Hammerton 's analysis of the Victorian law of matrimonial cruelty also demonstrates the complex and different ways in which men and women drew on ideas of patriarchal and companionate marriage .
7 At a deeper level , it is apparent that not all observers share Scarman 's analysis of the problem or its associated policy response , and it is possible to identify stances both to the right and left of this central reformist tradition .
8 The 18 major contributions are themselves fairly impressive , I particularly liked Francesco Calogero 's analysis of the dynamics of the nuclear arms race and John Ziman 's discussion of the basic principles involved in talking about social responsibility among scientists .
9 It is doubtful whether Tillich 's analysis of the Buddhist concept of compassion is accurate .
10 Mori 's analysis of the voting intentions of some 22,000 people reveals a similar pattern of Labour failing to gain ground among those who would be most likely to benefit from its policies .
11 Blackburn has been associated with the New Left Review 's analysis of the Labour Party , which saw it as a Labourist trend in politics with no connection to socialism .
12 The heart of his argument is that Lab-our activists , at least since Ramsay MacDonald 's betrayal in 1931 , have distrusted their leaders , and he quotes Sidney Webb 's analysis of the problem this causes : ‘ The constituency parties are frequently unrepresentative groups of nonentities dominated by fanatics , cranks and extremists .
13 Brian Wilson 's analysis of the general election result ( ‘ The Union strikes back ’ , 24 April ) must have been cheered to the echo by Ian Lang and the rest of the Tory rump now running Scotland .
14 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
15 Although not a Marxist , Schumpeter 's analysis of the ability of capitalism to survive had a number of common characteristics shared by the Marxists .
16 The Lukácian reading of history is through Marx 's analysis of the mode of production .
17 Indeed Lukács 's theory of class consciousness is impossible to swallow ( or follow ) unless one accepts that Marx 's analysis of the material base is a scientifically given truth .
18 The value orientation that meets this standard is , he asserts , one based on Marx 's analysis of the class struggle .
19 Structuralist Marxism and critical theory remain committed to Marx 's analysis of the material relations of production but both are concerned to address other aspects of human social life about which Hegel had more to say than Marx .
20 We can see how Mill resolves the issue if we turn to his editorial footnote to his father 's Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind ( 1869 ) .
21 Anthony Kenny 's analysis of the differences between the voluntary behaviour of animals , a position acutely argued for by Aristotle , and that of human beings , gives us a useful start .
22 A moment s reflection upon , let us say , Frey 's analysis of the concept of , interests , , will show that it need not be an experience at all .
23 From a holist perspective it is Le Roy Ladurie 's analysis of the impact of structural factors which is illuminating , whereas , as far as individualists are concerned , it is his implicit assumption of instrumental rationality which does the real explanatory work .
24 And Canguilhem 's analysis of the power relations of psychology , which I draw on often in the course of this book , is more valuable for feminist psychology than some narrower , more science-based accounts of the discipline written by women .
25 This is a formal investigation leading to a full report which includes the inspector 's analysis of the facts , conclusions , and opinion as to the cause or probable cause of the accident and recommendations for the avoidance of similar accidents in the future .
26 This is shown by Dr van der Merwe 's analysis of the Crow bones .
27 Offe and Wiesenthal ( 1980 ) take further Olson 's analysis of the logic of collective action ( discussed on pp. 159–63 ) .
28 We can see the importance of the theme in Bagehot 's analysis of the constitution where he distinguishes between the ‘ dignified ’ and the ‘ efficient ’ functions of the constitution .
29 Oakeshott 's political theory may in fact be viewed as an ambitious attempt to provide a framework in which H. L. A. Hart 's normative version of legal positivism may be synthesized with Lon Fuller 's analysis of the internal morality of law .
30 Hart 's analysis of the criminal law separates two questions : the first considers what kinds of obligations the state should impose upon citizens ; and the second examines when a person is responsible for a breach of an established duty .
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