Example sentences of "'s success [was/were] the " in BNC.

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1 The secret of that film 's success was the realistic merging of the cartoon world and live action — an achievement that was once again down to clever computer effects at Industrial Light and Magic .
2 Liebow 's success was the greater since he was a white man and Tally and his friends were black .
3 The potential key to IBM 's success was the Crash of 1987 .
4 Crucial to Mr Reagan 's success was the role in the White House of Jim Baker , his chief of staff ; not only to get good things done , but to make sure that bad things were left undone .
5 Crucial to Shah 's and Murdoch 's success was the Thatcher government 's industrial relations legislation that limited the unions ' power to respond .
6 Murdoch 's success was the cue for the rest of Fleet Street to forge ahead with new investment ( sometimes long planned ) in buildings and plant .
7 Erhard concentrated on a policy of low taxes , a stable currency and liberal trade , but an important element in West Germany 's success was the co-operation of workers and the trades unions .
8 The outward sign of Wright 's success was the building of a great country house , Osmaston Manor , outside Ashbourne , in 1846–9 .
9 Another effect of Frank Spencer 's success was the fan-mail Crawford received from parents of handicapped children .
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