Example sentences of "'s hand [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Expectations that the child should hold the parent 's hand while crossing the road , or sit in the safety seat in the car , can be met by great outbursts of temper in the confident 2-year-old who wants to be totally independent .
2 I ask my hon. Friend to think of any reason why detailing the savage discrimination of the MacSharry proposals and their impact on Scottish agriculture would weaken the Minister 's hand when negotiating .
3 Mach took the knife from Gesell 's hand and sheathed it , then removed his hand from DeVore 's collar .
4 Claire , busy , sure , takes her brother 's bag from Babur 's hand and unzips it .
5 He took a sheet of Gordon 's notepaper and typed a short note to Alan Bleath , thanking him for his recent contribution to the stimulating seminar on lenses of a high refractive index , signed this with a fair approximation of Gordon 's hand and put it in one of the ‘ Gordon Beamish : See ? ’ envelopes , addressed to Alan Bleath , 329 Carradine Road , Mitcham .
6 Pie accepted it without question or thanks , then shook Estabrook 's hand and left the trespassers to return to the safety of their car .
7 The young nurse brought Michael a chair and he sat beside Joe , holding the old man 's hand and stroking it every now and again .
8 The defender blocks by turning his body sideways so that the blow misses the target , and then counter-attacks with a palm-hand strike aimed upwards at the opponent 's chin ; this in its turn may be countered by a downwards slapping motion with a flat-palm strike to the attacker 's hand and finished off with a backfist strike to the nose , using the same hand that was used to block .
9 Before they left , Gallardo shook Valenzuela 's hand and thanked him for the cigarettes he had given him in captivity .
10 Eventually the train pulled into Wiltham and Albert leapt down and opened the carriage door , taking Charlotte 's hand and helping her down .
11 When Connor threw on some clothes and left the Watermen at a run , in search of a doctor , he left his mother to hold Ruth 's hand and try to comfort her .
12 Then he took Victoria 's hand and led her towards the strange woman .
13 Patrick took his sister 's hand and led her further down the garden , out of sight of the house , and then he squatted in the snow and stared into her deep , dark eyes .
14 Senga took her brother 's hand and led him out into the hall .
15 I stood up , took Flavia 's hand and led her into a little room .
16 So saying , she thrust the coffee into Jack 's hand and made for the light reading ‘ Ladies ’ , rubbing and muttering as she went .
17 She touched Maxim 's hand and went away .
18 He took Hasan 's hand and went out into the clear light of April .
19 Jack shook off his father 's hand and lurched to his feet .
20 He toyed with the idea of holding Eleanor 's hand and getting romantic .
21 Jack made the remark without a hint of sarcasm , taking the glass out of Kelly 's hand and getting to his feet .
22 She squeezed Julie 's hand and motioned for her to follow down the stairs that led to the ground floor .
23 He bowed low , lifting Ruth 's hand and brushing it with his lips .
24 He shook off Dana 's hand and walked heavily away .
25 Sharp icicles fly out from the caster 's hand and strike the first unit or model in their path .
26 There he found Ann sweeping dirt out of the front door into the street , and inside , Sam Gristy , who was holding Martha 's hand and looking like a cat that 's stolen the clotted cream .
27 Jake Endo shook Luke 's hand and said , ‘ It 's a great pleasure to meet you .
28 He took the old screenplay writer 's hand and said , ‘ Goodbye .
29 Then he took his son 's hand and said : ‘ Be a good King , Edward .
30 It worked well enough until Jessica Tandy grasped Morgan Freeman 's hand and said , ‘ Do you know , Hope , you 're my best friend . ’
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