Example sentences of "'s problem is [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ken Livingstone 's problem is that he is always on the television slagging the party off . ’
2 A new act 's problem is that if they approach an established manager , he or she will already be representing at least one major act .
3 Labour 's problem is that its core constituency in the manual working class has steadily declined over the years .
4 ‘ Yuri 's problem is that he has very fine hair , ’ said Anthony , carefully snipping feathery layers into the rather worried-looking star 's tresses .
5 Mr Collor 's problem is that although money is no obstacle to his multi-million dollar campaign , it does not make up for the thousands of enthusiastic party militants campaigning for his rival .
6 The patient 's problem is that he has joined a group of unfamiliar people , some of whom , the patients , are present all the time ; others , the nurses , are in his vicinity for some of the time ; and a whole variety of others appear ‘ to come and go ’ .
7 RAILWAYS : British Rail 's problem is that most of its structures were built in the last century .
8 The historian 's problem is that there is insufficient archaeological or documentary evidence to establish the chronology of this process .
9 The capital 's problem is that , as a largely French-speaking enclave in Flanders , it belongs to nobody ; few objected , when , in the 1960s , property developers replaced parts of its historic centre with concrete boxes .
10 Noblenet 's problem is that its major competitor , Boulder , Colorado-based Netwise Inc has already mopped up most of the potential outlets with its RPC-Toolkit offering .
11 Celtic 's problem is that Rangers are one of the tiny minority and they have been the pre-eminent team on a domestic level , while the other half of the Old Firm have gone four years without winning anything .
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