Example sentences of "'s share of the " in BNC.

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1 Computerised projections showed the party 's share of the vote for regional and city councils had fallen to 37.9 per cent from 42.2 per cent in 1984 .
2 Rupert Murdoch 's TV Guide could be in the strongest position , to scoop a lion 's share of the market , since it is already established , listing all satellite channels and as much as it is allowed in the way of BBC and ITV previews .
3 KLM 's share of the $3.65bn buyout is considerably smaller than BA 's $750m participation in United , but some analysts have suggested regulators might be swayed by the fact that the airline 's staff will control the company .
4 They fear that having separated post and telecommunications , France Telecom will receive the lion 's share of the budget and may ultimately be privatised altogether .
5 The launch comes at a time when Rover 's share of the record UK car market is slipping .
6 Between 1984 and 1988 Ford 's share of the European new car market fell from 13 per cent to 11.5 per cent , to leave it trailing Fiat , Volkswagen and Peugeot .
7 As in the Recruit scandal , the only party to be left out were the Communists , and the lion 's share of the money went to the the ruling Liberal Democrat Party .
8 Even though its vote was slightly up on that of October 1974 , Labour 's share of the poll had fallen to 36.9 per cent , the worst since 1931 , while the Tories had risen to 43.9 per cent .
9 With 36 per cent of the manual workers ' vote in 1987 the party 's share of the working-class vote was the highest for any post-war election .
10 The proportion of voters identifying with the Conservative party is about the same as in 1964 ( although Labour 's fall has been steep ) and the party 's share of the vote in 1983 and 1987 was actually slightly less than in 1979 .
11 One of the issues that called for more profound thought than usual was the direction United Biscuits should take after its products had come to command the lion 's share of the market and could n't be expected to squeeze out many more sales .
12 The success of the strategy is again evident in the mushrooming if the Bentley brand 's share of the overall Rolls Royce group registrations from six per cent in 1982 ( when the original Mulsanne Turbo was announced ) to virtually 50 per cent in 1989 .
13 That should nudge Whitbread 's share of the British beer market up by about one per cent to about 14 per cent .
14 The importance of the ‘ people factor ’ in bringing the small business sector 's share of the UK 's economic activity up to that of other advanced countries is a theme which the new Small Firms Minister , Tim Eggar , intends to pursue .
15 Reviewing the situation at the end of the year , Lindsay Cooke , one of the Greens ' 1989 spokespeople , thought despondently that the movement 's share of the poll had shrunk because of a lack of publicity .
16 The North 's share of the world 's energy consumption was expected to decrease from around 70 per cent to 60 per cent by 2020 , but in that time the proportion of the global population living in the South would have grown from 75 per cent to 80 per cent .
17 ‘ So Miss Morgan would have got the lion 's share of the other two hundred thousand even if she had agreed to break up the trust ?
18 Buick 's share of the market has grown by about a percentage point , to 6.5% .
19 It is a finding which invalidates Labour 's pledge to spend billions ‘ restoring ’ education 's share of the national wealth .
20 The lion 's share of the rest came from local authority sources .
21 While the SPD 's share of the vote fell by 7.5 per cent to 47.3 , the Right-wing Deutsche Volks-Union came from nowhere to rack up 5.1 per cent and a place in the local parliament .
22 If he were to stand down immediately , however , there would need to be a special Labour conference to choose a new leader under the electoral college system , which gives the lion 's share of the vote to the trade unions .
23 Voters were unimpressed by this pre-echo of what a decade later became known as ‘ the longest suicide note in history ’ , and in 1974 Labour suffered the largest drop in any opposition party 's share of the vote since Britain became a democracy .
24 In fact , while the overall United Kingdom result shows a modest swing to Labour , in Scotland Labour 's share of the vote fell by 3.5 per cent , dropping below 40 per cent for the first time since October 1974 .
25 This suggested a hung parliament with Neil Kinnock leading a minority government , and Tory campaigners are furious that the BBC did not mention the party 's share of the vote , which would have shown it performing much better than predicted .
26 Neste North Sea has bought half of BP Exploration 's share of the Nelson Field in the North Sea .
27 In those four boroughs where no one party had overall control there was a much more pronounced rise in Labour support , with the party 's share of the vote in Wirral increasing by over 8% despite an individual poll tax figure below government estimates and average household bills less than the previous year 's rates .
28 The achievement of local participation seems very remote , and a lion 's share of the benefits will probably accrue to more powerful elements ( entrepreneurs and outsiders ) .
29 Though they have cornered the lion 's share of the Brits in this part of the world , Andorra 's six resorts are but the tip of the Pyrenean iceberg .
30 Additionally some £10 billion per year is currently being received from North Sea taxes and duties , more than 100,000 jobs have been created and British industry has benefited by taking the lion 's share of the orders for North Sea supplies and services .
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