Example sentences of "'s main [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 Participants said the city 's main square was filled to capacity .
2 Participants said the city 's main square was filled to capacity .
3 Greenspan 's main objective was to combat inflation by maintaining high interest rates , while the Bush administration and other economic advisers supported lower interest rates to encourage growth and avoid recession .
4 According to a number of reports the plan 's main objective was to restore the credibility of the PLO in the West in the aftermath of the Gulf war .
5 Franco 's main objective was to propose that Don Juan 's son , Don Juan Carlos ( then ten years old ) be educated in Spain .
6 In a sense , then , women 's main problem was their own attitude ( albeit an attitude fostered by the education system and the media ) ; if only women would stop wanting to become housewives and start wanting to become lawyers or doctors instead , the problem would end .
7 As Meehan 's main defence at his trial had been an impeachment of Waddell , so Waddell 's main defence was an impeachment of Meehan .
8 Leonard 's main recollection was one of orderliness , not extravagance .
9 Before that the BGS hydrogeologist 's main responsibility was to manage the investigation of the Sigatoka alluvial aquifers , which are to be developed for irrigation .
10 The dam 's main purpose was to provide hydroelectric power revenues to finance the building of more dams elsewhere in the Colorado River basin .
11 Better still , one can infer from the passage that MacDonald 's main purpose was to stay in power , and thus he would welcome a National Government if it enabled him to do so .
12 Mission Volga 's main purpose was to bring hope to people in the midst of hopelessness in a country of continued political unrest and financial chaos .
13 While Alfieri 's main purpose was to inform the audience , he also had a part in the action of the play , and was therefore a factor , however minor , in how the drama unfolded .
14 McKeown 's main purpose was to take away from scientific medicine any credit for the decline in mortality which took place in England and Wales in the nineteenth century .
15 The channel 's main competitor was expected to be Antenna TV , in which Minos Kyriakou , a Greek shipowner and supporter of the private radio station Antenna Radio , Rupert Murdoch and Leo Kirch , the United States and West German media tycoons , each held shareholdings .
16 Wegener 's main difficulty was how to explain this remarkable movement .
17 Today 's main dish was cabbage and swede stew with dumplings .
18 The Bank of England 's main concern was to head off potential operational difficulties caused by settlement and clearing problems facing banks forced out of the area .
19 PAIN 'S main concern was that , as with both Cleveland and Rochdale , a social services department of a local authority had failed to carry out good practice in the execution of their work .
20 Writing later , in 1937 , J. B. Priestley 's main concern was to stress the Englishness of Chaplin ( though he did concede that the Chaplin symbol was half-French in inspiration ) and he talked of him as being ‘ the greatest humourist since Dickens ’ and of belonging above all to London 's East End and to ‘ the swarms of bright-eyed urchins who are thumbing their noses at the nearest policemen ’ .
21 But Labov 's main concern was to obtain insights into processes of linguistic change and to challenge linguistic theories which modelled language as a static entity , identifying homogeneity with structure .
22 But Wallace 's main concern was the distribution of animals on large continental land masses .
23 Sharp was concerned with authenticity while Mary Neal 's main concern was that there should be in the dances something ‘ which … adds to the joy of life ’ .
24 My master 's main concern was Irvine 's non-appearance and when darkness fell on our third day at Coldstream , we both walked out on to the convent wall , peering into the darkness as if willing him to appear .
25 Kurt and Wolfgang 's main worry was that large-scale unemployment among people not accustomed to a winners-and-losers system , which capitalism is , would create lasting resentments with dire social consequences .
26 The State Department 's main regret was that Britain would not go beyond her " one foot in and one foot out " policy towards Europe .
27 The council 's main achievement was the 1651 Navigation Act , of which Worsley claimed to have been ‘ the first sollicitour ’ .
28 Mr Padoa-Schioppa 's main handicap was that he was only number four in the Bank .
29 The firm 's main work was producing components for aircraft but my job was to investigate new product areas for the company .
30 Charman considered that a producer 's main function was to force compromises on bands .
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