Example sentences of "'s [noun] makes [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , the scale of the Bank 's operations makes it improbable that even a substantial increase in its consumer lending would make a very great impact on credit options available to people in lower socio-economic groups .
2 Ross Buckland , Unigate 's chief executive , said : ‘ The nature of Clifford 's operations makes it an exceptional fit : strengthening Unigate 's existing operations and offering benefits of integration and the prospect of further expansion of our food interests . ’
3 Of course , naming is not the whole of language , as the opening passage of Wittgenstein 's Investigations makes us so well aware ; yet it is no doubt a central part of language , and still an important and controversial topic in the philosophy of language .
4 Feminist psychology 's greater awareness of the discipline 's complexities makes it more conscious of psychologists ' social construction than traditional psychologists are , and more uncertain about psychologists ' status as rational , unified subjects .
5 Harry 's accent makes him think of Vienna , and Vienna of E. H. Gombrich .
6 Christmas in an hotel room is n't everyone 's idea of bliss , but Kenneth 's presence makes it home , and we spend the morning sitting in bed listening to a carol service on the radio , watching Walt Disney and nibbling on an assortment of Marks and Spencer goodies before the heat of the room rendered them inedible .
7 Rush knows the dangers of taking things for granted , and last term 's experience makes him speak of hopes rather than expectations , refusing to make predictions .
8 Denmark 's vote makes it likely that Maastricht will , eventually , be ratified by all 12 members .
9 Arriving like a final dea ex machina , Doris 's condition makes her like an ironic version of that goddess in Tennyson 's ‘ oenone ’ , ‘ Idalian Aphrodite beautiful , / Fresh as the foam , new-bathed in paphian wells . ’
10 Amelia 's condition makes it painful for her to be touched , but she and the other incurably ill and disabled children had no trouble touching the hearts of the DisneyWorld staff who helped make their visit truly the trip of a lifetime .
11 And then you pick up something a bit more up-to-the-minute , such as Geoffrey Cannon and Hetty Einzig 's Dieting Makes You Fat , and you read this :
12 His criticism of Oesterley 's work makes it clear that for Eliot a ritual 's origins may be as meaningless as is its present form .
13 The secretiveness of the Alien Office 's work makes it difficult to provide details of Brooke 's activities : ‘ My duties have ever been of the most confidential nature , ’ he wrote to R. B. Jenkinson , second Earl of Liverpool , in 1809 .
14 Sun will claim Dragon 's architecture makes it the most expandable Unix server in the business , capable of piling on memory , I/O , disk and CPUs and clearing up a lot of the bottleneck issues .
15 But assuming Collor 's Brazil makes it into the ranks of the developed world , it will do so at the lowest level of eligibility , on a par with the East European countries .
16 This year 's theme makes us shift focus , from the object per se , to the provenance .
17 Dorothy 's journal makes it clear that the three friends were now in each other 's company almost daily .
18 Representations may be made , but , as before , the police can decide that the detained person 's behaviour makes him or her unfit to communicate them .
19 Whether one tries to illustrate subsidiarity by an upturned pyramid or a spiked helmet is irrelevant : Sir Christopher 's definition makes it clear that , far from being a guarantee for decentralisation , ‘ subsidiarity ’ is a blank cheque for more and more power to be transferred to Community level , just as the principle 's enshrinement in the German constitution has led to massive centralisation of power and expenditure in that country .
20 Prince 's music makes me think of Des Esseintes 's symphony of perfumes : exquisite , heady , overpowering , slightly nauseous .
21 Even if such gruesome events really were seized upon , in medieval and Renaissance times , as an excuse for uproarious carnival , Verdi 's music makes it abundantly clear that that is not at all what he intended .
22 For instance , there is evidence that a long history of failure in an important area of a person 's life makes them particularly vulnerable to depression in the context of a major loss or disappointment which could be interpreted as further evidence of their lack of competence .
23 ‘ I 'm afraid a quarter of a million pounds sterling paid out on your mother 's life makes it my business . ’
24 Founded in 1764 , the Club was not ( as is often assumed ) Johnson 's brain-child : Boswell 's Life makes it clear that the idea came from Joshua Reynolds ; and once a week they met at seven in the evening , in the Turk 's Head , a Soho hostelry .
25 ‘ Yes — but my father 's will makes it clear he wished her to remain here , and , as you know , she has no desire to move . ’
26 Mr Portillo 's promotion makes him the youngest Cabinet minister since Dr David Owen was appointed Foreign Secretary under Labour .
27 Very few ideas and very few projects of any significance are implemented by one person alone : Other people 's effort makes it happen — whether they are assistants , subordinates , a staff , a special project team , or a task force of peers assembled just for this effort .
28 Jananne Al-Ani 's Untitled Gulf War Piece cuts through the Orientalist propaganda of that war , and Mitra Tabrizian 's Surveillance makes us question national and social power relations .
29 Mountbatten 's report makes it plain that MI5 and MI6 believed that the KGB would attempt to keep in contact with Blake .
30 That is important , and I am glad that the Opposition 's motion makes it so clear .
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