Example sentences of "but i found [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
2 I was terrified of him , but I found myself in a horrible Catch 22 situation .
3 All very contemporary , but I found myself hankering for the crisp definition of the old Frederick Austin arrangement .
4 SUPERNOVAE Starfield Guitars I did n't know exactly what to expect upon opening these guitar cases , but I found myself in danger of becoming seriously enthusiastic about the contents …
5 But I found myself looking straight at Pike .
6 I asked about you , and about Huxley , but I found nothing .
7 ‘ I had to pick up my boots and rabbits , but I found somebody had nicked the bloody things . ’
8 I meant to be fond of her but I found her tiring .
9 ‘ They 're only home-made , but I found them very useful to practise with . ’
10 They gave me room in their carriage , but I found them very cold and strange .
11 Many sunbirds were flitting around , but I found them almost impossible to .
12 But I found them thoroughly disgraceful , all the same : aesthetically , they worked on me like violence .
13 ( I watched the videos once , because they were rated x , but I found them terribly dull , and the leading man looked like my girlfriend 's father .
14 But I found him very stimulating to be with , full of ideas , I needed to meet such people .
15 But I found their approach to the Beethoven far too earnest and heavy-handed for music of such freshness and charm .
16 But I found I could communicate better with men .
17 The strap is a strong rubber one but I found I had to overtighten it at the surface , otherwise it became loose when my drysuit seal compressed at depth .
18 But I found I could just sit down and play by ear .
19 But I found I had little idea how to set about producing a crime short story .
20 The smaller diameter tube tended to choke with shavings , but I found it cheap and well worthwhile to buy another large section suction tube .
21 But I found it all too negative and depressing .
22 The man in the bushes by the gate still worried her but I found it easy to isolate him from our friendship , although she felt now that he was trying to gas her ; the fumes from someone 's central heating outlet , discernible on the otherwise pure air , had inspired and confirmed her in this idea .
23 It 's zany , it 's irreverent and it 's brimful of right-on attitudes , but I found it virtually impossible to raise a smile , never mind a laugh .
24 This was all very necessary , but I found it dull stuff indeed after the immediacy of Ultra .
25 A little unsteadily I wandered away to the library , but I found it difficult to concentrate on the uses of the Russian Imperfective .
26 I joined a flower arranging society thinking ‘ Well I quite like flowers and it 's a good way to meet people ’ , but I found it so boring that I left after three months .
27 But I found it too embarrassing to keep suggesting to a fellow professional that he should take time off from his own work to accompany me to functions where he was not able to join me at the dinner table when he got there .
28 But I found it really helpful to have known you both because you were in both groups and involved in the Union and the EOP Working Party .
29 It was years later that I realised I really would have to tackle it , but I found it was much easier than I had expected .
30 This is fine in principle , but I found it awkward in practice .
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