Example sentences of "but [adv] she realised " in BNC.

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1 Undecided , she had wondered if it might be too formal , but now she realised that this was going to be no jeans-and-sweater occasion .
2 When she had said that before she had meant it , but now she realised she was lying ; she was wanting to make him feel better and she was also hanging on to her old life to feel safe .
3 She had believed Thomas was shy of the Dane , but now she realised that the child gave nothing out because he received nothing back in return .
4 For a moment Lucy had thought that it was Jeanette McArdle , but then she realised that it was n't .
5 For a moment , Folly was taken aback , but then she realised that the policeman had probably only seen the last few seconds of their little drama .
6 But then she realised that the customer in question was looking at her as if he could read her thoughts — and found them highly amusing .
7 She thought the strange light must be due to her dizziness but then she realised it was spring and the sun was shining .
8 For a moment she thought she would find the courage to say something about it , but then she realised that the timing was all wrong .
9 For a moment her heart caught in her throat , but then she realised he had brief , dark swimming-trunks on .
10 She even thought he looked vaguely familiar , but then she realised it must be the type that seemed familiar .
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