Example sentences of "but [prep] a couple " in BNC.

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1 The room was twice the size of their back-street Holland Park offices but for a couple of hours all comers were invited to believe that Women 's Word was on the same financial footing as its big competitors .
2 Not about everything , mind , but about a couple of things .
3 Her husband was always with us but as a couple they were difficult to dislodge without rudeness .
4 In the morning Kāli took the cattle out to graze , but after a couple of hours she came back soaked to the skin .
5 And you end up writing guitar music which sometimes is okay , but after a couple of records I 'd written enough guitar music for a while .
6 But after a couple of weeks around Cardiff and Southampton docks — where there was a similar dry-dock to the battleship dock at St Nazaire — they could each carry out almost every demolition in under 10 minutes .
7 When I eventually reached the gods I hesitated , afraid to push the door open , but after a couple of minutes I became too frightened to stand there in the dark any longer .
8 At first we just made conversation , but after a couple of drinks Reid looked at me thoughtfully , twiddling his half-empty glass , and said , ‘ There 's no reason not to tell you this , Kit , but since we 've got to work together , I 'd rather explain my mode of living before the old cats on the island — the European gossips — start telling you stories .
9 These fish tend to settle in well , feeding on daphnia , bloodworm , flake and lettuce , but after a couple of months they go off their food , become very thin and white along the bottom , swim on their heads and eventually die .
10 It might have been that way for a while , Scum argued , but after a couple of weeks the Boroughs shitkickers moved in , and the game was up .
11 James and I continued to go out and have lovely times together , but after a couple of years it slowly began to dawn on me that I was expanding .
12 It is hard to know exactly what the company were aiming at or were attempting to say , but after a couple of scenes the audience found itself tussling with one question only .
13 Whatever your opinion of ABBA 's music , you must admit they had a hell of a knack for penning a commercial tune ; the chord sequence here is fairly standard but with a couple of nice twists , with the bass playing a central role in the arrangement .
14 One must n't give in to pessimism , and it 's pointless to look too far ahead , but in a couple of years she wo n't even be legal .
15 But in a couple of days the Big Bang goes up . ’
16 I must admit , I ca n't claim it was love at first sight , but within a couple of hours she had firmly established herself in my affections , ’ laughed Delia .
17 But within a couple of pages , it 's back to the hollow sound of random jottings .
18 Not until we have a Question Time for the Leader of the Opposition , but within a couple of months I shall be answering from the Government side of the House .
19 Erm , the executive are accepting all these motions but on a couple of them want to put in a speaker with a statement and er after twenty one will to put that statement to the C E C. I now call composite twenty abolition of Wages Councils South Western Region to move , G M B Scotland to second .
20 But over a couple of months of pilot programmes , I simply felt I had made a mistake by leaving .
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