Example sentences of "not too far [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ See how high up the lights are , not too far apart ? ’
2 And now that I am inclined to hear time 's winged chariot hovering near , and see deserts of vast eternity not too far ahead , I am determined to make the most of my remaining years both in my secluded garden and on my open-space allotment .
3 We could n't do a thing about it , only get on with our jobs , living from day to day and , being young , looking forward to the day — surely not too far ahead — when things would start moving in our favour again .
4 Not too far away , I found a street with some shops and , thankfully , a cafe .
5 The shelter that Jenny had found for me was in Camden Town , not too far away , so in order not to arrive there before it got going for the evening , I dawdled a little , window-shopping .
6 Biff , bang , wallop and then heavy breathing from somewhere not too far away .
7 There is , for example , a marvellous account of the scherzo , with its crazy fiddler and sense of Grand Guignol not too far away .
8 ‘ We conjecture that she was brought to Bartholomew Close on a market-porter 's barrow , and we feel that the journey started not too far away .
9 We just followed footprints in the snow and sometimes , in the morning when the air was still , we 'd think we heard them not too far away .
10 Near the cities of New Zealand 's Mainland ( as the proud inhabitants of South Island like to refer to their part of the country ) you can enjoy your flying at Christchurch Airport with the Canterbury Aero Club , or not too far away at Ashburton , perhaps , piloting the Pipers of the Mid-Canterbury Aero Club .
11 It was a small house , only a cottage , but there was an attic room for the children and a good school not too far away .
12 The château was , as she had been told , not too far away .
13 Dr Neil swallowed again as he sat down on the bed , not too near , not too far away .
14 But there 's water not too far away , on my land . ’
15 The chances are that it was a bar , somewhere not too far away .
16 There was an explosion not too far away and as he got up and opened the door to the rear yard , the rattle of small arms fire .
17 ‘ Now I want you to call a courier and sort out a couple of juicy documents to somebody not too far away , but it does n't matter who .
18 Pupils may well need to look beyond the immediate local area , the further back they go , though starting with an example not too far away can still be useful , and allows for field visits .
19 He called from a phone box : probably from not too far away .
20 Hackney or Lewisham , somewhere not too far out .
21 My 2–2 prediction was not too far out was it .
22 Not too far down , because one day , the last day , he will come back again into the air .
23 My car is not too far off .
24 Is my hon. Friend aware that the residents of West Yorkshire will be pleased to know that a decision on the matter is not too far off ?
25 A cyclical chemicals business could be forgiven for paying a once covered dividend at this stage in the cycle with the prospect of recovery not too far off , but overcapacity and the prospects for continued recession in most of their important European markets make it far from clear that this side of the demerged business will be able to pay its way .
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