Example sentences of "not an easy [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And here 's how they made it to the semi-finals ; not an easy run , Wakefield was their last step .
2 Clause 8 gives the haulier the right to dismiss an Overdrive employee , but is not an easy clause to understand ; for instance , what is meant by gross misconduct ?
3 It was not an easy decision to make but one that was helped by the undoubted pedigree of the new team .
4 From McIntosh 's point of view it was not an easy decision to pull out of institutional sector research as he was involved in setting it up in the mid '70s .
5 This is n't always possible as we saw last year and as we have been reminded , that was not an easy decision and in fact it 's one of the reasons that we have n't put extra money into the primary schools this year .
6 Rachel was not an easy person to go to with such a strange and garbled fear .
7 She 's … not an easy person in some ways .
8 I pointed out that the samples cost damn near as much as it would cost to paint the room , but a woman in paint picking mode is not an easy person to reason with .
9 This is not an easy question to answer .
10 It was not an easy question to answer .
11 I know it 's not an easy question to ask you but
12 ‘ That 's not an easy question to answer , my lady .
13 It is not an easy question and sometimes there is more than one answer .
14 It was not an easy progress .
15 Our Food , Our Land , is not an easy read but everyone who is involved in growing/producing food for our nation should try to read some if not all of this book .
16 Bulk modulus is not an easy quantity to measure although , for isotropic materials , it is of more fundamental importance than Young 's modulus to the material scientist .
17 Directed by Susan Seidelman and co-written by Nora Ephron , it is a ‘ high-spirited comedy ’ about the Mafia , not an easy genre as Married to the Mob and even Prizzi 's Honour have demonstrated .
18 Stockbroker UBS Phillips & Drew , looking for £530m against £417m pre-tax , says 1991–92 was not an easy year for the group but believes the current year will be better , given a lower wage award and more stabilised sales .
19 His main aim is consistency — not an easy goal in a class where a millisecond can mean the difference between fourth and ninth place .
20 Neon Tetras are an easy fish to spawn , but it is not an easy feat to raise large broods .
21 It is soundly led and NCM did well to place the bulk of its existing portfolio into the reinsurance market — not an easy feat .
22 It is not an easy colour to describe , but let us assume that , say , a carpet the colour of red hair would be described as light reddish-brown .
23 All this irritated Bloxham mightily , but Oscar was not an easy man to deny .
24 He 's not an easy man to know .
25 After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage , she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times , even with Charles , who was not an easy man .
26 I 'm sure he meant it for the best — I always told you , he means well — but I have to admit , he 's not an easy man to talk to .
27 Sir Emmanuel was not an easy man to work for and you had to watch what you said .
28 Though a trained engineer , an enthusiastic and effective advocate of his own cause , courageous and deeply patriotic , Campbell was not an easy man .
29 He was not an easy man to deal with .
30 ‘ I would stake what I have , ’ said Iago , still watching the girl , ‘ that this Hotspur is not an easy man to use .
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