Example sentences of "not considered to [be] " in BNC.

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1 And even if an uncommissioned but critical ethnography is not considered to be in breach of the Official Secrets Act , it will most likely be construed as structural espionage and lie in breach of the Police Discipline Code as set out in Police Regulations .
2 Those publicans stocking a guest beer will lose their rights to do so , since Enterprise Inns is not considered to be part of Bass .
3 Although a competent fighter , Stretch was not considered to be one of the game 's bigger punchers .
4 THAILAND may soon follow Hong Kong 's example in deporting Vietnamese boat people not considered to be genuine refugees , reports reaching here suggest .
5 They also found that some combined health and education needs were not considered to be adequately covered by the definition , citing speech therapy as a prime example .
6 The cost of online services is not considered to be a critical factor in their use .
7 Judges are allowed to disqualify any competitor not considered to be ‘ walking ’ , but some walk so quickly that high-speed cameras are needed to make sure the walker is not in fact running .
8 The symptoms and signs are not considered to be the illness but rather to be the results of the body 's reaction to the original state of imbalance .
9 ’ The guidelines give examples of structured and unstructured CPE and of activities not considered to be CPE .
10 Activities NOT Considered to be Structured or Unstructured CPE Examples
11 Whatever our conscious reasons ( ’ No , I want to remember him/her the way he/she was ' or ‘ Not in front of the children ’ ) , a dead body is not considered to be spectacle for display in Britain , and the rationale which dictates it can sometimes disguise feelings of embarrassment that such a thing could occur in our death-defying , well-regulated households .
12 A Munro , in climbing parlance , is a Scottish mountain exceeding 3000 feet in height : the name is a tribute to Sir Hugh Munro who , in 1891 , published his meticulous records of all the mountains in Scotland over 3000 feet , listing them in descending order of altitude and also arranged in districts , with all the subsidiary tops over 3000 feet but not considered to be separate mountains .
13 Although this is not considered to be very significant here , the improved measurement precision afforded by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry over previous methods will exacerbate problems with 186 Os normalization , making a switch to 187 Os/ 188 Os desirable .
14 The possibility that this approach might appear to poor parents as a punishment for their poverty was not considered to be a significant part of the equation .
15 They are not considered to be non-viable either on the grounds of their isolation and remoteness from the communities they serve , or on the grounds that they are physically falling into a state of dilapidation .
16 Faults in your own work are glaringly obvious because you know so much about them , but other people 's faults are not considered to be important .
17 If usual hygiene practices are not considered to be adequate then the nurse may need to explain tactfully what is required .
18 The inclusion of the retired as a separate group added a socio-demographic element to the typology and , although the classification was two-dimensional , the two axes were not considered to be independent .
19 In response to our request to film at Tempelhof airport , the headquarters in California has replied : ‘ Unfortunately , cooperation in this screenplay is not considered to be in the best interest of the US Armed Forces and the Department of Defense .
20 Savory has a longer history than sage , though not considered to be as useful medicinally .
21 Being fabricated from thin section materials the uprights are not considered to be of sufficiently robust construction to support the cladding and the roof of the building — as is typical of many structural steel high-bay structures .
22 The law said nothing about duels between species which were not considered to be human — although that did not prevent an offended party from seeking recourse .
23 Surprisingly , sore breasts , spots , bloatedness and food cravings — symptoms commonly associated with PMS — are not considered to be such severe problems .
24 The reason why marital rape of a cohabiting spouse is not considered to be unique and grave is that the couple may well have had sexual intercourse regularly before the act in question .
25 Nevertheless , it would seem that this was not considered to be a significant proportion .
26 LIBRA You are not considered to be a selfish person by nature .
27 Following a meeting of United States , United Kingdom and Hong Kong government officials in Washington on June 6 , the US government stated that it was to drop its opposition to negotiations between the UK and Vietnamese governments for the " involuntary repatriation " of Vietnamese boat people not considered to be genuine refugees , and to the possible establishment of an internationally managed centre in Vietnam to hold them on their return .
28 The statement emphasised that the Black Sea Fleet , comprising some 45 warships and 300 smaller vessels , was not considered to be part of the strategic forces , although it did have nuclear capability .
29 John Gummer , who was not considered to be in need of protection , was singing ‘ Lead Kindly Light ’ in a falsetto voice .
30 The presence of columnar epithelium of the gastric type only was not considered to be Barrett 's oesophagus .
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