Example sentences of "not be applied [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All behaviouristic theories of cognition are viciously third-personal , where that expression signifies , first , that they can not be applied to the first-person perspective and , second that our ability to apply them to the third person really rests on our bringing to bear first-person knowledge : as with rats in mazes , where my plain and unreduced apprehension of the rat 's environment enables me to see its grasp of that environment in terms of its behaviour within it .
2 ‘ It would not be applied to someone who uses the house as their family home but works away from home for most of the week , ’ said Mr Soley .
3 Most certainly it can not be applied to the peasant buildings of a century or so later .
4 At least with the man , a urethritis can be diagnosed , albeit imperfectly , by noticing pus cells in the urethra , but the same criteria can not be applied to the woman .
5 This means that the kind of discount which supermarkets , for example , are able to offer on other consumer goods can not be applied to books .
6 While the double-blind trial is well suited to testing of conventional drugs it often can not be applied to complementary therapies , for instance , the acupuncturist must establish a close link with the patient during treatment , and the therapist must know which points he is needling and possibly modify them as the patient 's responses change .
7 The answer is that , properly speaking , the honourable word ‘ bound ’ should not be applied to a cased book , though it is admittedly in general use .
8 The equation linking trades unionism with Labour 's advance can not be applied to London ; not only were unions weak , but in the interwar period suffered setbacks as the depression deepened .
9 A government wishing to destroy an opposition , an ethnic minority , a minority religion or a ‘ heretic ’ cult , characterised its members as enemies , beyond the state , non-persons , so that moral principles of society need not be applied to them .
10 The normal rule of stocking , 1″ of fish to 12sq.in. of water surface , should not be applied to these large fish .
11 They have often received inadequate parenting themselves , had negative experiences of the legal process and have been judged by standards which would not be applied to most ordinary people ( and which many ‘ ordinary parents ’ would fail to meet ) .
12 The surcharge will not be applied to representatives ' orders or dues supplied as part of a previous large order .
13 This criticism can not be applied to the results for 1984–90 .
14 The tiles ' adhesive tabs should not be applied to wallpaper — an remnants must be removed from the area to be covered .
15 ‘ Realism maintains that universal moral principles can not be applied to the actions of states in their abstract universal formulation . ’
16 It was immediately much regretted that the death penalty could not be applied to burglars and footpads , and the prison system was the object of particularly fierce criticism .
17 This rule can not be applied to items from the newer weaving countries ( Pakistan and the Balkans , etc ) which produce workshop versions of almost any type of design .
18 He argues that the ‘ local state ’ is not simply the national state writ small , and that a general theory of the state can not be applied to the local level .
19 Can he give us any reason why the same principle should not be applied to any part of the country that does not happen to be his own ?
20 First , the models are one-dimensional only and can not be applied to a real solid .
21 The general technique for converting an equation valid for SR into one valid in all frames , namely replacing normal derivatives by covariant derivatives , can not be applied to gravitation .
22 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where any of the aforementioned situations arise .
23 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan and 4 Star policies , as this cover is not available for holiday homes .
24 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where a business is run from the same building and the public have access .
25 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies .
26 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies .
27 A single regional band could not be applied to Yorkshire , with council tax prices set against a regional band for , say , London and the south-east .
28 In a meeting with Baker on Nov. 14 , however , Roh said that a " two-plus-four " solution could not be applied to Korea .
29 The initial verb + noun phrase combination shows in essence a property word extended by an entity word , and it therefore remains a ( complex ) property ; the adjective then further extends this property ; but because it is an adjective rather than an adverb , its own property is understood as applicable to the entity identified by the noun phrase , with the important reservation , demanded by the intensional structure , that it will not be applied to it unconditionally but only insofar as that entity stands in relation to the verb which accompanies it .
30 Data analysis techniques were largely developed to cater for the implementation of database systems , although that does not mean that they can not be applied to non-database situations .
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