Example sentences of "this [is] precisely [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 This is precisely what has happened at Malham ( and though I find it visually offensive I still climb there , as do hundreds of others ) .
2 Leavisism assumed that its rewriting of the canon had a once-and-for-all quality , so that it was inconceivable that anyone could come to admire Shelley again , though this is precisely what has happened under the influence of Harold Bloom , who is dedicated to overturning the Eliot-Leavis version of poetic history .
3 This is precisely what the Conservatives were elected to avoid .
4 It is quite an achievement to upstage the assembled might of City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Rattle , not to mention Maria Ewing as second soprano , but this is precisely what Barbara Bonney , standing in for an indisposed Lillian Watson , did .
5 But this is precisely what Mr Papandreou is doing .
6 This is precisely what happened .
7 And if retailers do indeed start charging less for cash purchases than for those bought on credit cards , ensure that this is precisely what they are doing and not merely surcharging credit card users .
8 The belief was that to ritually and voluntarily — and I stress the word ‘ voluntarily ’ — shed one 's own blood was to recommend oneself to and establish a link with the Creator of the Universe , and this is precisely what happened with circumcision .
9 And our dilemma is that this is precisely what we do with it .
10 This is precisely what teaching consists in ; and the task will differ according to the age , nationality , and home-background of the pupils .
11 This is precisely what Sakurai and Hung calculated .
12 And this is precisely what he has done , to present everyone else with a fait accompli .
13 I believe this is precisely what the ‘ crisis of capitalism ’ is about .
14 This is precisely what the Eighth Commandment does when it says ‘ Thou shalt not steal ’ .
15 This is precisely what the Union has gone some way to doing with its appointment of Glen Ball , Leighton Davies and John Perkins — respectively Neath manager , Maesteg coach and Pontypool coach — to act as Alan Davies 's go-between with the Welsh First Division clubs .
16 This is precisely what Hugh could provide , and we must examine both the contribution he could make , and the evidence for his having made it .
17 Indeed , this is precisely what Russell Reynolds himself set out to achieve in modelling his business on top service organisations like Morgan Guaranty — where he had worked before entering search — and Morgan Stanley and McKinsey .
18 This is precisely what one would expect if the above evolutionary account were true .
19 This is precisely what the student referred to earlier in this paper identified while working in residential care .
20 This is precisely what Robson , Jennings , and Willis were advocating since they argued for the rationalization of our haphazard arrangements for tribunals with an appellate jurisdiction vested in an administrative appeal tribunal which would be separate from the High Court .
21 This is precisely what Freud did by introducing the ‘ Nirvana principle ’ into the theory of psychoanalysis .
22 Yet this is precisely what Baldwin did .
23 This is precisely what he had been attempting in " The Dry Salvages " , for example , and it is significant that he used much the same phrase in his demand that contemporary poetry should have such a strong relationship to current speech that " the listener or reader can say " that is how I should talk if I could talk poetry " .
24 This is precisely what has been happening in recent years , to such an extent that we can without exaggeration speak of a ‘ committals explosion ’ in addition to the remand explosion which we have just outlined .
25 This is precisely what was involved when Copernicus 's theory was retained and the naked-eye observation that Venus does not change size appreciably during the course of the year , which is inconsistent with the Copernican theory , was rejected .
26 In 1976–7 this is precisely what happened .
27 This emphasis on control , despite all the evidence that this is precisely what is being progressively lost , focusses the sufferer 's mind all the time on self and not upon others .
28 In the early periods of play in our example this is precisely what happens .
29 This is precisely what has happened in India .
30 But this is precisely what economic income is .
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