Example sentences of "this [be] certainly [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is certainly untrue of Brighton , where the high prevalence of HIV-1 infection in homosexual men is similar to that in London .
2 This is certainly encouraging but has to be tempered by impressions gained by other methods .
3 This is certainly cynical about the ill-effects of power , but what it implies is ‘ power exposes ’ , not ‘ power corrupts ’ .
4 This is certainly acrylic , but not really ‘ four-ply ’ since most of these excellent yarns are two strands , ‘ plied ’ together and usually advertised as ‘ knits as four-ply ’ .
5 Although dragged out at over two hours , this is certainly watchable on a trash level , although it 's essentially an adequately-acted dumb-ass melodrama dressed up with enormous operatic tat .
6 Now this is certainly intriguing evidence of the ability of some species to adapt to mirror images ( problems gleefully exploited in Lewis Carroll 's Through the Looking Glass ) , and it is curious that follow-up efforts showed monkeys and even gibbons failing the tests .
7 This is certainly correct in commercial cases .
8 In cases where appointment out of court is possible this is certainly preferable from the viewpoint of the debentureholders as a body .
9 This is certainly possible with telescopes , and one amateur in Australia , the Rev. Robert Evans , has more than a dozen discoveries to his credit .
10 In some cases this is certainly possible .
11 This is certainly possible , but we do have some theoretical reasons for believing that we have , or are very near to , a knowledge of the ultimate building blocks of nature .
12 They have adapted quickly — two weeks into the course , comments such as ‘ This is certainly different from school ’ suggested a certain bewilderment .
13 By forming course teams across different disciplines for the general SVQ we have improved dialogue , and this is certainly welcome .
14 Whether anyone in Berlin seriously expected the French government to believe this is certainly open to question in view of the preceding events .
15 Now it is frequently said that the development of skilled movement ‘ lags ’ a long way behind that of skilled perception , and in one sense this is certainly true : young babies have excellent visual acuity as revealed by their behavioural discrimination of , and neural responsivity , to gratings and chequerboards — but we do n't see them playing darts !
16 In general this is certainly true , as the experienced eye can tell at a glance whether the style of an ancient Greek coin is that of the archaic or of the later , classical period ; in a similar way one can argue from the change in the type of helmet worn by the goddess Athena on Athenian vases in the period 540–510 BC that Athenian coins depicting the same goddess with the same helmet are unlikely to have been made before that time .
17 This is certainly true , but this explanation might only account for some 4 or 5 per cent or NGU cases .
18 Compared with our ideal this is certainly true , and I shall await developments over the next decade with interest .
19 This is certainly true , as it will be seen , of the Westbury small mammal faunas , but it also applies to numerous other sites .
20 This is certainly true , but it underlines what many consider has been the undue emphasis placed on the PSBR in the government 's policy making .
21 This is certainly true of many of the largest oil companies , such as Exxon , Shell and BP .
22 This is certainly true when they deal with stories near home .
23 This is certainly true of the two middle-class women who said they liked or did n't mind housework but were dissatisfied with it .
24 This is certainly true of the Hundred Years War , and it is as well to remember that at Crécy , Poitiers , and Agincourt , although the English emerged as victors , on each occasion they were not entering the French kingdom to attempt its conquest , but were actually leaving it , heading for the coast in search of transport to take them back to England , the main aim of the expedition already fulfilled .
25 This is certainly true of lesser men at the royal court .
26 We might therefore advance the hypothesis that the medieval evidence ( unlike the modern dialect evidence for [ h ] -fulness in Norfolk ) is from a relatively high social stratum — this is certainly true of the Paston Letters at the very least — and that [ h ] -loss was current at that level but not amongst the rural population .
27 This is certainly true of the subject groups .
28 The central fact to acknowledge about any sort of storage is that there is rarely enough of it , and this is certainly true in the kitchen .
29 While this is certainly true for some radicals , both 4-ASA and 5-ASA scavenge hypochlorite and inhibit myeloperoxidase at low concentrations .
30 This is certainly true .
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