Example sentences of "are faced [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are faced at the moment with the horrifying effects of pollution in all its cancerous forms .
2 At the same time these results are likely to be slow , and if we are right in our conclusion that we are faced at the present time with a certain amount of abnormal employment of a quasi-permanent character , then it is not sufficient to solely rely on the gradual improvement of productive efficiency .
3 In many situations , actors are faced with no clear rules for action , or the action may be hard to sustain .
4 ‘ In this country you are faced with a stubborn and self-assured lady who sees it as one of her tasks to protect the regime , ’ Mr Mbeki said .
5 Again we are faced with a shift in cultural values .
6 Laing acknowledges that the up-and-coming generation of managers are faced with a much faster-paced world than operated in most of his life , but he is not convinced it is any more difficult to be an executive today than in the past .
7 Readers will soon discern , on page 42 if not earlier , that in the personality of Quisling they are faced with a thundering , breathtaking , unsurpassable bore : ‘ He lacked a sense of humour to give him balance . ’
8 On our first call , from a dreadlocked Rastaman , we are faced with a clapped-out Mini Clubman .
9 Young males in harem societies are faced with a problem of acquiring mates against a gradient of mate possession established by a ‘ gerontocracy ’ of their fathers .
10 Having indirectly made Mrs Thatcher pay with her political life for refusing to sign up to their timetable of achieving EMU by 1992 , they are now blowing cold on the issue , as they are faced with a ballooning budget deficit of their own , and no longer need French and Community political support for reunification .
11 This is the kind of question which has no answer , since no difference between commitment and rhetoric will be discernable until refugees are faced with a real choice between some kind of a settlement falling short of the ideal and holding out for the ideal itself .
12 If , therefore , you are faced with a threat to a listed church of this kind , contact SAVE immediately .
13 At a time when Europe is moving ever closer towards economic union we are faced with a stark choice of either improving our economic performance or watching the UK become a marginalised and minor economic player .
14 We are faced with a fund of conflicting speculations .
15 In turning to trusts we are faced with a similar problem , and similarly desperate evidence .
16 ‘ Well gentlemen , ’ he said , ‘ we are faced with a very grave situation .
17 There are four fairly essential bits of information to consider when we are faced with a decision requiring forgiveness :
18 If you are faced with a filthy horse on an equally filthy day , you can give him the equine equivalent of a bed bath .
19 Unfortunately it can be very dull when you are faced with a dry reference book that retails facts and information and talks at you , not with you .
20 With hospitals all over Britain restricting admissions , the problems of London becoming more evident by the day , and general practice fundholders stealing a march on non-fundholders , ministers are faced with a complex set of challenges .
21 The patients in turn are faced with a cocktail of locums , who , despite our best efforts , have been primarily male .
22 Once children discover that , despite the difference in form between a and b , there is no contrast in meaning between them , they are faced with a violation of the principle of Contrast .
23 But nowadays not everyone is so ready to accept such divisions as unalterable , and if one holds the not unreasonable belief that the existence of wealth is one cause of poverty , then clearly we are faced with a more difficult choice : either to tolerate the existence of both wealth and poverty , or to aim at abolishing poverty , in which case we have no option but to attack wealth .
24 The doctrine is that whenever you are faced with a decision , you always follow what the last person who was faced with the same decision did .
25 Yet the questions can not be avoided , least of all by students who are faced with a largely predetermined set of choices .
26 But here we are faced with a dilemma .
27 Hence they are faced with a dilemma : the business may continue to operate at the same level , but without the prospect of expansion , or they may alter the form of business enterprise to a partnership or a company .
28 But we are faced with a cultural problem where descriptive work goes unrewarded , and systematics and taxonomy are often treated as one .
29 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
30 In more realistic conditions , however , managers are faced with a complex series of questions in the resolution of which they must exercise choice , for example , about plant location , production methods , employment levels , output , advertising , investment , research and development , and so on .
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