Example sentences of "are supposed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This is a controversial issue : hoteliers and restaurateurs are supposed to be running hotels and restaurants , after all , not managing computer systems .
2 The final and the greatest problem of the neurophysiological version of the CTP ( or , indeed , any version of the CTP ) , is that it can not explain the intentionality or ‘ aboutness ’ that connects the neural events with the object they are supposed to be perceptions of .
3 Very kind , but international players are supposed to be habitually influential , and it was Hazard who in the second half , with a few incisive passes , gifts from the heavens on a day like this , left a greater mark .
4 While doing this the men are supposed to be separated by some distance in order to be able to call for radio assistance and to allow fire to be returned should one of them be attacked , and for the constable whose patch it is to become solely identified as the area 's neighbourhood policeman .
5 From the heights of Foel-cwmcerwyn , just to the east , you are supposed to be able to see Exmoor , Snowdonia and the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland .
6 Sports programmes do not see this as part of what they are supposed to be doing .
7 ‘ Cars produced in Europe are supposed to be European cars ’ , Mr Frans Andriessen , the EC 's External Relations Commissioner said .
8 As these books are supposed to be read by adults to children , I do n't think it matters that some of the jokes are probably lost on four year olds .
9 Teachers also confess that , for the first time , they now know what they are supposed to be teaching and ( thanks to the elaborate assessment targets ) how well they are teaching it .
10 RJR 's credit rating is being ruined by junk bonds whose interest rates are supposed to be reset by May 1991 at a level that restores them to 100% of their issue prices .
11 SCIENCE and technology are supposed to be two keystones of Mikhail Gorbachev 's attempts to liven up the Soviet economy .
12 One-third of small enterprises — shops , restaurants and so on — are supposed to be privatised by the end of this year , two-thirds by the end of 1992 .
13 It is n't seen as a feminine quality , confidence ; girls are supposed to be quite demure .
14 Adverts are supposed to be showing you real life , but where 's my life and my experiences ?
15 Yet general elections are supposed to be ‘ the grand inquest of the nation ’ .
16 You have to code the numbers of the athletes and they are supposed to be on the inside so you ca n't read them , but they were outside so you could — you could see which one was from Krabbe , Breuer and Moller .
17 The poles are supposed to be a wilderness too majestic and innocent to be contaminated with human interests .
18 The mixture of cheap jokes and pretentious philosophising becomes increasingly hard to stomach , however , and there are far too many moments when it is not clear whether you are supposed to be laughing at the characters or taking them seriously .
19 ‘ As you know it 's the twelfth , the start of the grouse season , and I ordered thirty brace from the Ranlodden Estate which are supposed to be collected about now .
20 ‘ Nobody , however knowledgeable in the nuclear power field , can guarantee 100 per cent safety , a fact which causes my daughter to have nightmares , myself to lose sleep and be dogged by melancholy and dread , and my son to lose respect for those who are supposed to be wiser than he . ’
21 It does not claim that the reasons which are supposed to be displaced by authoritative instructions are not replaced by them but should count as additional independent reasons alongside the instructions .
22 Make sure you know exactly which of the starts you are supposed to be at , and when .
23 The laws of physics are supposed to be true all over the accessible universe .
24 There are new flat roof systems about which are supposed to be better , but they suffer from the same inherent disadvantages as their earlier counterparts .
25 The courts are supposed to be vigilant on behalf of the citizen , and mindful of the liberty to go about one 's lawful business .
26 The practical reality of modern police organization and its response bears absolutely no relation to the rather quaint legal structure within which the police are supposed to be contained .
27 They , like the GCSE and A level , are supposed to be taken at a particular age , at 7 , 11 , and 14 .
28 When they are supposed to be arguing about the rider or scrawling their name on the walls , they sit quietly down and start replying to fan letters , or in Solowka 's case , it 's off with the flat-cap and out with the calculator .
29 They are supposed to be easier to move than the western , garden variety .
30 At the other end , advertisers find it difficult to admit that they are supposed to be addressing an audience in middle age and onwards .
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