Example sentences of "are near [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a world ranking of premature death before the age of 60 , Northern Ireland and Scotland are near the top and England and Wales are about a third of the way down .
2 When the mighty tumble with such alacrity it is a sign we are near the bottom , say optimists .
3 He says : ‘ I think we are near the bottom and beginning to see the slope up . ’
4 shelves spaced too widely apart can waste a lot of space , and it can be difficult to remove clothes which are near the bottom of a high pile .
5 Whatever division they are near the bottom and lost 5–0 recently .
6 The caves are near the bottom of the New Dunn shaft , in an old iron ore mine .
7 ‘ A lot of them can not come to us , because we are near the projects .
8 I see , presumably this is why all the big observatories are near the equator , is that right ?
9 Many more are near the sea , Lossit Point , the Ard at Port Ellen , Bolsa and Glean Truath .
10 Many more are near the sea , Lossit Point , the Ard at Port Ellen , Bolsa and Glean Truath .
11 Before long , the only vacancies are near the entrance .
12 Squigs are unpredictable and in many way the best thing that can happen is for them to go wild once they are near the enemy .
13 The warehouses are organised in a hierarchical manner with a central one buying from satellite warehouses , which are situated in the poorer residential areas of Cali , so that they are near the homes of the garbage pickers .
14 The author suggests you should either make sure you are near the front of the receiving line ‘ or , before applying the lips , wipe the bride 's cheeks gently with a dilute solution of hypochlorite ’ .
15 If their shells are near the Julies , then it might be politic to shuffle them gradually to the other end .
16 The main Chaplaincy rooms are near the Bookshop at the Coleraine campus , and near the Ulster Bank at the Jordanstown campus .
17 The Leroghi Hills are near the town of Maralal , about 250 miles north of Nairobi , part of the homeland of the Samburu , a semi-nomadic , cattle-rearing people .
18 I still have one or two but they are near the end of their useful life .
19 Many eastern states are near the end of their landfill capacity .
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