Example sentences of "are usually [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Stragglers , however , are usually noted into October , and there have been seven November records since 1947 , the latest being of one at Thorney Deeps on 25 November 1953 .
2 Governing elites are usually differentiated into military , religious , and commercial aristocracies .
3 These are usually sewn into the tent and cover the bottom plus two or three inches up the sides of the tent .
4 They are usually fitted into a timber sub-frame ( hardwood , in preference to softwood ; there 's little point in fitting an indestructible door in a frame that could rot in 10 years ) , and come with either a silvery finish or a factory-applied coating in a limited range of colours .
5 They are usually fitted into a timber sub-frame ( hardwood , in preference to softwood , as there 's little point in fitting an indestructible window in a frame that could rot in ten years ) .
6 These are usually plumbed into the outflow from a filter , but some filters have them built in .
7 They stay in the reception classes for a period of up to three years , after which they are usually dropped into the lowest streams of the schools to which the classes are attached …
8 Whole oats need to be fed in a larger quantity , as a proportion of them tend to pass undigested through the horse ; and crushed oats are usually smashed into oblivion , and reduced to a poor quality feed of husks and dust .
9 Such arrangements tend to be made at board or director level and are usually entered into when there is a financial link between the companies , such as companies within the same group of companies ( sometimes referred to as intergroup trading ) or between companies whose directors simply want to formalise an arrangement to purchase as much of each other 's products as possible .
10 Other DMLs , such as the Relational Calculus and Query-by-Example ( QBE ) , are usually translated into relational algebra by the DBMS before executing the request using the database .
11 Although a two-state success/failure branch for components and systems is often used , this may be inadequate when we have to examine partial successes or failures ; this treatment for the plant might well produce thousands of sequences , so these are usually grouped into a small set of typical sequence states that will be bounding in terms of the consequences one is looking for .
12 Candidates are usually linked into on-going Henley research projects .
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