Example sentences of "are able [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Once you have made the link , it is essential that you are able to visualise the picture it creates — it is the image you will remember not the words .
2 Some insects are able to improve the circulation of air by inflating and deflating their abdomens with a muscular pumping action .
3 By using syntactic categories rather than words as the states of the model we are able to improve the accuracy of the model 's ability to predict .
4 They have grown in importance in recent years as a way of financing trade , and in particular of tiding firms over the period from when they have to buy inputs to when they are able to sell the finished output .
5 And it is also the mechanisms by which the cells or parts of them are able to perform the instructions .
6 This has led some people to commit what may conveniently be called ‘ Sahlins ’ fallacy' ( Sahlins 1976 ) , and to suppose that the operation of kin selection requires that animals , or people , are able to perform the necessary calculations .
7 Working within a paradigm , the fundamentals of which they take for granted , they are able to perform the exacting experimental and theoretical work necessary to improve the match between the paradigm and nature to an ever-greater degree .
8 In any transient situation there are always institutions and individuals that are able to anticipate the need for change and are sufficiently flexible to be able to accomplish the transition early and in an orderly fashion .
9 If the adventurers are able to ascend the spiral staircase , they come to a landing ( Map 13 ) .
10 They learn to feel that they are able to control the asthma , which reduces their feeling of helplessness and panic .
11 ‘ That 's an area they have improved on dramatically this season and they are able to control the game through their dominance on the touchline .
12 The specialist managerial expertise involved in running complex public utilities ensures that public enterprises are able to control the data upon which assessments are made .
13 By great good fortune we are able to inspect the stage which had been reached on the eve of the First Crusade in the pages of the Song of Roland .
14 Because of the reduction in the cases of cryptosporidiosis , we are able to withdraw the notice that we previously given in respect of boiling water .
15 In the US , the Cohen Commission 's influential report suggested that : ‘ There is no reason to believe that independent auditors are more likely to predict whether a company will liquidate than they are able to predict the outcome of any other uncertainties …
16 How is it that we are able to predict the ending of a story ( and even castigate an ending for being too predictable ) ?
17 Indeed , they are able to predict the zero-density frequency to a precision of 4 x 10 -14 ; from the present data , and they outline several improvements that can be made to the present apparatus , which already has a stability better than many primary caesium standards .
18 By having this , you are able to hit the ball anywhere on the opposing court .
19 In this way the hips are prevented from being pushed forward and therefore are able to support the torso more effectively , thus reducing any excess muscle strain .
20 When a sale is negotiated , there should then be the minimum of delay before you are able to dispatch the following : ( 1 ) A draft contract in duplicate , incorporating the first edition of the standard conditions of sale .
21 Institutions vary in the speed with which they are able to dispatch the necessary monies .
22 Word images occur within a meaningful context , and human readers are able to exploit the syntactic and semantic constraints of the textual material [ Rayner , 1983 ] .
23 Word images occur within a meaningful context , and human readers are able to exploit the syntactic and semantic constraints of the textual material [ Rayner , 1983 ] .
24 This is possible because word images occur within a meaningful context , and we are able to exploit the syntactic and semantic constraints of the textual material [ Rayner , 1983 ] .
25 Only those who are able to demonstrate the two elements of ability to do the work and ability to manage their cases properly will get the franchise .
26 The residents are able to enjoy the privacy of their own accommodation together with the communal facilities offered within these projects .
27 The residents are able to enjoy the privacy of their own accommodation , together with the communal facilites offered within these projects .
28 Without equipment the children are able to enjoy the sensation of handling the sand , whether wet or dry .
29 As Ascension Day is always on a weekday , the passers-by on their way to work are able to enjoy the singing which , as the church itself is on very high ground , can be heard for quite a distance .
30 The rakes of coaches include an open toast rack or two which prove very popular with tourists especially if they are able to enjoy the magnificent views across Lyn Tegid without obstruction from billowing smoke or smuts in their eyes .
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