Example sentences of "are assume [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It has particularly focused on Renaissance literature and the struggles for dominance which are enacted in it , or are assumed to be .
2 At the bottom of the hierarchy of the production structure , where spirits are assumed to be crushed , have come a new army of workers — fresh , vivacious and increasingly angry .
3 Another , equally sinister , is the way in which most public meeting places and telephones are assumed to be bugged ; even the family is no longer a safe environment in which to talk .
4 In all cases the movements are assumed to be continuous .
5 Moreover , they are assumed to be committed to different conceptions of the good and they think that they are entitled to press their claims on one another to further their separate aims .
6 The Namurian , Millstone Grit sediments have not been penetrated in any well in the area but are assumed to be present on the basis of the stratigraphic relationships deduced from seismic data .
7 In a number of theories of text comprehension , such mappings are assumed to be made ( potentially ) at a number of levels .
8 In this case , the position is equivalent to that of compulsory purchase , and the permissions in the Eighth Schedule are assumed to be available when assessing the compensation .
9 This is because older people are assumed to be less flexible , less motivated and more ‘ tired ’ than those in their 20s and early 30s .
10 The advantages of unity over diversity , or collectivism over individualism , are assumed to be self-evident and the obvious totalitarian overtones are ignored .
11 We are assumed to be failed heterosexuals , feeding into the myth that the lesbian communities accommodate fat more easily than their straight equivalents .
12 All players are assumed to be steroid-free , suspension free and eligible .
13 But my purpose in dwelling on this theory is to demonstrate how ideas are spread by the action of persuasion on uncritical acquiescence and get converted into solutions , which are assumed to be valid everywhere , like American Express traveller 's cheques .
14 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the rulebook for a full description ) .
15 That is , descriptions of perception and action are assumed to be unproblematic which in fact are deeply puzzling .
16 As discussed above there are assumed to be a number of willing Doom Divers ready and waiting to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
17 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
18 There are assumed to be patterns of cause and effect that can be identified .
19 Even when they apply themselves to understanding the effects of social relations on individual cognition , as with work on social identity and social representations , the patterns they describe are assumed to be based on universal properties of the human mind .
20 The warhorses are assumed to be slain or incapacitated , but any surviving crew may continue to fight on foot .
21 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
22 Note that this allowance is for independent monsters which are assumed to be magically bound , trained , or otherwise loyal to your cause .
23 Because NMDA receptors are assumed to be located on dendritic spines , it is believed that spines may act to localize the Ca 2+ signal .
24 Indeed , much ‘ practical ’ scientific learning in a western education system takes place in a laboratory where students imitate , learn concrete activities and at the same time are assumed to be developing logical and abstracting abilities .
25 Height and good posture are assumed to be ‘ good ’ signs for people motivated to succeed in work organizations .
26 The purposes are assumed to be the public good .
27 Since leakages are assumed to be related to income , and injections are assumed exogenous , then variations in income equate total income and expenditure flows in the circular flow model .
28 Thus , inequalities in health status characteristic of the earlier phases of the life cycle are assumed to be overwhelmed by the biological process of ageing .
29 But behind this victimised female self , whose actions and desires are assumed to be not truly ‘ her own ’ , since they derive from processes of force , conditioning or psychological manipulation , there is seen to be an authentic female self , whose recovery or discovery it is one of the aims of feminism to achieve .
30 Births in the first seven months of marriage are assumed to be pre-maritally conceived .
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