Example sentences of "are likely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The article written to this brief is likely to have an element of sensationalism ; curiosity about sex or money may be deliberately aroused ; conflicts in an artist 's life are likely to be dramatised .
2 Thematic articles are likely to be found in two sorts of periodicals , general magazines and academic journals , either interdisciplinary or of specialist disciplines .
3 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
4 The narrator may not wholly be in jest when he refers to sexual intercourse with a certain girl , 17 or thereabouts , as ‘ the ultimate indecorum ’ , and rereaders of the novel are likely to be mindful of the survival here of an old England lived in by people like the middle-aged T. S. Eliot , exponents of a disgusted chastity .
5 The stress on Levi 's insensitivity to religion is allowed to suggest that all Jews are religious , and there are readers for whom this might signal the corollary that all Jews are Zionists , and are likely to be supporters of Israeli government policy .
6 Ideas for rock gardens or for more exposed borders , where taller daffodils are likely to be felled by the wind , the reliable range of cyclamineus type daffodils varies from 8 to 10in high .
7 According to the functionalist , of course , facial expression and lip-reading are likely to be dealt with by distinct parts of the information-processing system because the nature of the information that they convey is so different .
8 Instead of going into all the details of this stage , which are likely to be inapplicable to other designs , as they are so dependent on personal likes and dislikes , I simply show you the design limits worked out ( fig.1 ) and what I made .
9 Characteristic qualities of a step are likely to be retained because the type of music so decrees , although it will rarely be identical in its performance because it will have been refurbished .
10 Depending on the tile size and on the manufacturer concerned , you are likely to be offered packs containing anything from 6 to 50 tiles , and some packs — of 13 , 22 and the like — do n't make estimating quantities any easier .
11 Mixtures of the large-flowered kinds are likely to be best for naturalising , as they are often sold in bulk very cheaply for this purpose .
12 RSPCA spokesperson Amanda Avis explained : ‘ Owners are likely to be required to : Have the animal neutered ; get compulsory thirdparty insurance ; have the dog permanently identified and registered , and ; when in public , comply with muzzling and leashing regulations . ’
13 But present-day theorists are likely to be dismissive of what has been called ‘ writers ' speculation about their art ’ , finding it impressionistic and unsystematic .
14 ( I grant that the difference is not absolute , and there may be elements of the affective and the intuitive in the pursuit of any intellectual discipline , but they are likely to be marginal . )
15 Even so , potential examiners are known qualities : some are likely to be severe , some lenient , and the experienced and canny supervisor or head of department is likely to make nominations accordingly .
16 However , new academic journals are regularly launched , devoted to one or other of the many specialisms into which English is fragmenting , and in their earlier issues , at least , are likely to be looking for contributions .
17 PLANS to sell the UK 's radio waves to the highest bidders are likely to be considered by Department of Trade and Industry ministers within the next few weeks .
18 Casting doubt on the competitiveness of coal compared with other fuels , Mr Cowles warned : ‘ Coal combustion is under attack as a major contributor to pollution , acid rain and the greenhouse effect and increasing controls are likely to be imposed in this area . ’
19 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
20 Coventry are likely to be without three regular players : Brian Kilcline , the captain and centre-half who is still suffering from a leg injury , midfielder Dean Emerson ( knee ) , and Micky Gynn ( bruised shoulder ) .
21 Official interest rates in several European countries are likely to be lifted when the Bundesbank decision is announced .
22 In future , offenders are likely to be punished with ‘ a short , sharp ban ’ rather than a fine .
23 SECATEURS are likely to be the tool most in demand now .
24 Revised forecasts — expected in November — are likely to be more pessimistic .
25 However , if excavations do not take place the cemetery and its treasures are likely to be destroyed by ploughing within a few years .
26 23 October : Shares in Bond Corp and Bell Group are likely to be suspended if the companies have not published their preliminary profit and loss statements by this date .
27 Drama and situation comedy are likely to be next .
28 But it is believed that between 50,000 and 100,000 people in this country , who are free of symptoms are likely to be carrying the virus .
29 They are likely to be included in a new employment Bill , alongside measures to make all secondary action unlawful and abolish the pre-entry closed shop .
30 Deliveries , they warn , are likely to be a little late this year , but rose planting can safely be done in any frost-free period between October and March .
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