Example sentences of "are consider [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ College men ’ or ‘ academics ’ are considered to be potentially dangerous and polluting because of their limited understanding of the ‘ polis 's ’ real world ; for they never stay long enough to experience the depth and complexities of the activities which lend him his ‘ special knowledge ’ .
2 It is said that his influence came through his extraordinary power , both learned and ‘ uncanny ’ , to rearrange suggestively the letters of the divine Name ( the Tetragrammaton : YHWH ) , which are so sacrosanct that they are considered to be unpronounceable .
3 These high-yield debt securities are considered to be instruments of the devil .
4 There are many stories in the Bible about great love between men and women , but the ideal role models in Judaism are considered to be the Patriarchs and Matriarchs : Sarah and Abraham , Isaac and Rebecca , and Jacob and Rachel .
5 Women are considered to be ‘ partners in creating life ’ and therefore have a close and intuitive link with God .
6 Some books are considered to be ‘ unputdownable ’ but this one seems to be ‘ unpickupable ’ .
7 Because money from the off-farm jobs was put into the farm , it was difficult to ascertain what the trading position of the part-time farm actually was but the figures quoted are considered to be fairly near the mark .
8 Lemurs are considered to be amongst the more primitive of the primates .
9 The rocks primarily consist of unfossiliferous conglomerates the age of which is not known with certainty , other than being post-Caledonian , but they are considered to be of probable Trias age .
10 Vitamin supplements currently prescribed as part of antenatal care are considered to be safe — but discuss your worries with a health professional .
11 Although the courts do not refuse in principle to review the exercise of police discretionary powers , they do nevertheless exercise a great deal of caution and restraint to such a degree that it is difficult to see how in practice the principles of judicial review are capable of being used to challenge decisions to issue warrants where these are considered to be necessary for the prevention or detection of crime .
12 In all , there are thousands of extinct or dormant volcanoes , but only forty-five are considered to be ‘ active ’ .
13 Apart from immunisation of young children , pregnant women are considered to be a priority group because certain infectious diseases can cause serious damage to the developing fetus .
14 It was found that even from those sources of commercial information which give quantitative information , for example ICC and Business Monitors , it is the qualitative messages that are considered to be the most useful by the planners .
15 Some of the data on this system are considered to be highly sensitive :
16 These are the barn owl , long-eared owl , and all the Eagle owls , and these deficits are considered to be the result of sampling error .
17 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
18 Claystones and siltstones containing finely dispersed coaly matter are considered to be good sources — besides many coal seams .
19 Food premises will have to be registered so that they may be inspected and action taken if they are considered to be a health risk .
20 The approach of the Commission as described in the Directive takes into account the fact that , in general , takeovers are considered to be a positive phenomenon .
21 Will 's best movements are considered to be the passage and canter pirouette , and his worst to be flying changes .
22 Villages with vineyards rated between go and 99% inclusive are considered to be premiers crus while those classed at 100% are grands crus .
23 The ‘ taste and decency ’ clauses of the BBC and ITA charters are considered to be too weak by the moral tendency of the Conservative Party .
24 Such experiences as love , hate , anger , sympathy , guilt , joy , sorrow and so on are considered to be abstract things as opposed to concrete objects like stones , trees or physical bodies .
25 The result is that often illnesses are considered to be purely physical when in fact they have an emotional trigger , as in the case of the lady who developed rheumatoid arthritis after her visit to Flanders , or a mental or possibly even spiritual precipitating factor .
26 The other tribe , however , finds twins fearful , appalling , degrading , an aberration , because you see only animals have litters of young and therefore twins are considered to be inferior , a threat , so much so , in fact , that this latter tribe ritually murders them at birth .
27 Journalist Victor Guzev , who travels with CSKA , said : ‘ In our society the players are considered to be wealthy and able to afford most things in life .
28 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors .
29 It is a feature of modernity that our elder citizens are considered to be a nuisance to be dealt with as quietly and unobtrusively as possible .
30 Royal women , too , even though quite ordinary in appearance , may be elevated in public opinion until they are considered to be the utmost in charm and elegance — again difficult to live up to , when they are continually ‘ on show ’ .
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