Example sentences of "not [adv] derive [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other global forces are becoming evident too , not necessarily derived from popular experience .
2 From the viewpoint of their investors , the value added offered by venture capitalists not only derives from the careful structuring of transactions but also from extreme selectivity in their choice of investments .
3 You have not only derived from it the means of raising your subterranean wealth , but those also of rendering it available to the public . ’
4 This water is not only derived from the food that we eat and the fluid that we drink : much of it comes from the multitude of secretions which enter the gut lumen .
5 Others may be in positions of trust not directly derived from full-time occupation , such as scout masters — SCOUT LEADER 'S CAMPING SHAME ( Star ) — as well as those in less formal and less-easily recognisable roles ; the headline Sex shame of ‘ uncle' ( Daily Mirror ) and text ( ‘ a mild-mannered clerk known by schoolboy train fans as Uncle Roland … took boys in the Rail Riders ’ Club on trips in Britain and Europe ’ ) shows how some offenders had eased into positions of trust with youngsters .
6 The pride in the job which has often been regarded as the hallmark of the rural worker was therefore not always derived from sheer altruism .
7 Moreover , we showed that indomethacin inhibited chemiluminescence elicited by stimulation of a suspension of neutrophils by FMLP , a system in which oxygen free radicals are not though to derive from the cyclo-oxygenase reaction .
8 This has many elements in common with ( b ) , in its emphasis on a whole social order , but it differs from it in its insistence that ‘ cultural practice ’ and ‘ cultural production ’ ( its most recognizable terms ) are not simply derived from an otherwise constituted social order but are themselves major elements in its constitution .
9 The travellers ' response to this place was positive and warm , and this does not simply derive from the contrast with the pompous inhospitality they found at Armadale , where they were perhaps disgruntled at staying only in an estate official 's house ( the mansion had been burnt down ) , even if the laird and his lady stayed with them .
10 More recently , social policy in this country has been informed by political economy — that tradition , primarily but not exclusively derived from Marxism , which identifies the ideological character of disciplinary boundaries and looks for explanations of the nature of social structure and social process in terms of the character of the dominant mode of production ( see Gough , 1979 ) .
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