Example sentences of "this series [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A professional development teacher interviewed pointed out the ambiguity of HMI expounding an aesthetic domain in Curriculum Matters 2 ( DES , 1985c ) and continuing to publish further booklets in this series under subject headings .
2 Since 1983 , the government has funded a series of one-term full-time courses in polytechnics and universities to provide intensive training for designated teachers with specific responsibility for pupils with special needs in ordinary schools ( see Meeting Special Needs in Ordinary Schools by Seamus Hegarty in this series for information on research on evaluation of their effectiveness ) .
3 I will go on to look at some developments of the Mannheimian legacy , in particular the work of the social constructionists and at the end of the chapter I shall comment on some aspects of Mannheim 's project affected by this series of responses to his work .
4 Examples of problems covered by this Article are given in ‘ The Order outlined ’ and in more detail in ‘ Advice to employers ’ in this series of leaflets ( see page 10 ) .
5 From an explanation of life , the universe and everything , to a dissection of the mother/daughter relationship , this series of comedy dramas is a must .
6 For example , Miguez Bonino who inaugurated this series of lectures , talked of his own personal discovery of ‘ the unsubstitutable relevance of Marxism ’ and went on to argue that it must be taken seriously because ‘ it offers a scientific , verifiable and efficacious way to articulate love historically ’ .
7 In short , as I said at the very beginning of this series of lectures , you must n't treat what as I say as gospel erm I am perfectly capable of being a little bit eccentric , possibly even a little bit erm original erm in my interpretations .
8 The image of woman has been moulded and portrayed in numerous ways by men , this series of paintings and drawings explores a fantasy in which women in the home are engaged in a bizarre recreation of themselves and their men , using all of women 's traditional ‘ homemade ’ handicraft skills .
9 Then the landscapes at La Rue-des Bois which are influenced by Cézanne are still related in many ways to Picasso 's more ‘ primitive ’ or ‘ Negroid ’ work ; indeed , this series of paintings begun in La Rue-des-Bois is contemporary with other canvases which represent only a continuation of his earlier work ; some of the simplest of the La Rue-des-Bois landscapes , with their almost naive interpretation of houses and trees , remind one strongly of the art of the Douanier Rousseau .
10 I hope that this series of articles may have encouraged you to look again at the various stitch patterns which your machine can produce .
11 Fortunately , in this series of articles we will use more conventional maps to set us on the treasure trail , because it is my belief that correctly interpreted , the Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles already contain most of the information necessary to track down some of the treasures that time has so cunningly concealed !
12 In this series of articles we examine the performance profiles of a range of applications so that you may better define and refine your system .
13 In retrospect , Megan Jenkinson traces the origin of this series of works to seeing the exhibition " Art into Production : Soviet Textiles , Fashion and Ceramics , 1917–35 " at The Museum of Modern Art , Oxford in 1984 .
14 Boesset continued this series of lute Airs down to 1632 as well as reviving the four- or five-part airs de cour in nine books from 1617 to 1642 .
15 First performed in 1946 this series of concerts ran for 37 years , earning an entry in the Guinness Book of Records .
16 This series of texts comes as close as Roman law ever did to suggesting a principle of tracing .
17 There is no year tracer in this series of chassis numbers but I suspect your vehicle was built in 1963 .
18 This series of moves forward along the hole is what is known as a multiple dig , but some people prefer to dig a trench all the way along the burrow until the ferret is reached .
19 After this series of hour long consultant interviews the interviewers were left with three dominant impressions .
20 Summing this series of probabilities , and dividing by the number of records loaded , we obtain :
21 But we still have n't demonstrated that it is plausible that this series of Ks actually existed .
22 If this is the aim of current policy , as it is of this series of unit texts , we have to begin by examining ways in which schools and school policies can themselves be a major element in children 's difficulties .
23 ( This series of provisions in the Judicature Act is repealed and substantially re-enacted in section 136 of the Law of property Act 1925 . )
24 This series of cookbooks illustrates each stage of every recipe with attractive colour photographs that show you exactly what to do .
25 Yet although this sub-discipline has from its origins been concerned with the nature of the artefactual world as an element of culture offering insights into that part of social behaviour which is oriented towards the creation and use of objects , the rather particular history of this series of studies has hitherto severely limited its application .
26 Animals in this series of experiments were killed by cervical dislocation , the pancreas was removed and then digested by highly purified colleagenase ( CLISPA , 540 IU/mg , Cooper Biomedical , Freehold , NJ , USA ) according to the method of Amsterdam et al .
27 Using the equation above , the probability that a difference of this order has been missed in this series of experiments is less than 1% for both acid and pepsin .
28 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
29 Having endured this series of questions designed to trap him , Jesus returned the compliment with a question directed against the Scribes .
30 Each stage in this series of attempts to consolidate the validity of the observation statement , ‘ Here is a piece of chalk ’ , involves an appeal not only to further observation statements but also to more theoretical generalizations .
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