Example sentences of "this has led to " in BNC.

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1 This has led to the tying of aid to a large extent to inappropriate or unduly expensive goods from the donor 's country , to sharp annual variations in the volume of aid flows and to a lack of commitment to real coordination with other donors .
2 This has led to situations like that described in A Job Well Done ? by Helene Middleweek and Michael Ward , a report prepared on behalf of the Co-ordination Committee for the Welfare of Evacuees from Uganda , of a family consisting of mother , father and thirteen-year-old son , where neither of the parents spoke any English and the father was almost paralysed .
3 In most cases these families are poor , but they have brought with them the petit-bourgeois values of financially better-off days , and this has led to an apparently unquenchable materialism .
4 The special circumstances of territorial displacement and the withdrawal of adult supervision , which appear to have been more pronounced in Britain than in other parts of western Europe where the family is stronger as a recreational unit , have made the problem worse here than elsewhere ; this has led to the formation of the ‘ ends ’ which in turn has tended to attract a small fascist and psychotic fringe .
5 This has led to cracks in the wall of secrecy surrounding the government 's role in the events leading up to the bank 's collapse in 1982 .
6 This has led to embarrassing moments among his pure-white mobile guard force .
7 This has led to the legitimate graphic device of breaking the further line as it passes behind the near line .
8 This has led to parliamentary deadlock .
9 This has led to predictions that a large number of new grammar schools may be created .
10 This has led to a situation in which individuals have either tended to pursue their own goals ( deliberately ) or have misinterpreted ( genuinely ) the aims of the school .
11 The full implication of this approach will be discussed below but in the education system this has led to leadership being confused with technical competence ( the headteacher as leading professional ) or with implementation ( the headteacher as administrator ) .
12 This has led to some very unfavourable repercussions of natural resource use , for example the extension of wheat production into Kazakhstan under President Khruschev .
13 This has led to a change in the way in which both physical and social data are collected and combined in an effective conservation policy , or , as Pickering ( 1979 ) puts it , in such a way as to ensure the technical validity of a conservation technique is appropriate over the same area as its social validity .
14 Thankfully , major advances in the industry have been made , and this has led to placing emphasis on the fundamental elements that are essential for a successful roof , namely : good design , quality materials and regular maintenance .
15 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
16 Hitherto this has led to some allegations in the Press about Whitehall obscurantism but little interest or pressure in Parliament itself .
17 This has led to difficulties in interpretation of the possible sequence of events in the development of enhanced platelet reactivity in diabetics .
18 This has led to a departure from the generally accepted principle of state funding for educational projects .
19 His enthusiasm for this has led to the interpolation of several texts .
20 This has led to a strong marketing campaign for the concept of disposable lenses , which are replaced monthly , weekly or even ( in principle ) daily .
21 This has led to increased complexity of the maintenance workload .
22 This has led to an alternative way of stating amplifier performance : compare the distortion plus noise with the total output .
23 This has led to the speculation that these overweighted skulls led to the animal 's extinction , as a kind of anti-evolutionary regression .
24 This has led to a range of top level employees including high powered vets , scientists and senior inspectors .
25 This has led to the economists ' expectation that the outturn will be £32bn or more .
26 In the past these systems have generated invoices separately ; this has led to customers receiving invoices from various parts of the company at different times .
27 This has led to competition among existing havens to attract a larger share of the market , and to a steady influx of new locations offering investors an attractive environment .
28 This has led to a ‘ knock-on effect ’ where the technical world has invaded the church .
29 This has led to a marked growth in active recreation .
30 In some cases at some times this has led to ruthless persecution with many deaths ( USSR in the 1930s and China in the 1950s ) .
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