Example sentences of "this be the fourth " in BNC.

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1 The indifference of the electorate was blamed partly on the apathy produced by this being the fourth election in 18 months , by the confusing number of different party slates and by the lack of concrete proposal and programmes from the candidates .
2 The competition is being run for five months , of which this is the fourth , so you 've still got two chances to win this holiday of a lifetime .
3 Although this is the fourth rate cut since last July , analysts say Bank of Japan governor Yasushi Mieno must go further .
4 Simple folk might likewise reflect that this is the fourth time the Conservatives have carried the day in elections in the teeth of alleged BBC bias .
5 ‘ Mr Stevens , this is the fourth or fifth time in the past two days you have felt such a need .
6 This is the fourth in a series of Looking at books co-published with the British Museum Press .
7 This is the fourth in a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
8 This is the fourth exhibition with the gallery for Deacon who was also seen this year at Kassel 's Documenta IX and at the Carnegie International .
9 This is the fourth annual report which I have presented to the Village Association in the last five years and it is for me the most pleasing , not because I am standing down as chairman but because I feel that it is the most positive report that I have been able to give .
10 This is the fourth consecutive secondment of this type from the Clydesdale Bank PLC .
11 Okay this is the fourth in our series and the second on the presidency and I want to do two things in this lecture .
12 This is the fourth time she 's been in , apparently .
13 This is the fourth car to be stolen from the site since October .
14 This is the fourth year running she 's been asked by the Fellowship to create a cake in the shape of a folly — this one is of a pair of ornamental greenhouses nicknamed Tweedledum and Tweedledee .
15 This is the fourth of Peter Brooks productions to be staged in the Tramway and like its predecessors was received in a hushed silence followed by rapturous applause .
16 This is the fourth Peter Brook production to be staged in the Tramway and like its predecessors was received in a hushed silence followed by rapturous applause .
17 Well this is the fourth time Okay .
18 Well he 's got three so this is the fourth one from this fellow is n't it ?
19 Cos this is the fourth film .
20 He must be more patient and brace himself up to realise that he was the only person who could tackle the present chaotic state of affairs , ' This was the fourth time the King had told MacDonald that he would not accept his resignation .
21 The voice was weary , as if this was the fourth time he 'd been called by his father that evening .
22 At thirty-two years of age , Chrissie Stone could take the occasional shock to her system , but this was the fourth time in two weeks that she had slept late , and it was beginning to get her down .
23 This was the fourth plane Polly had heard arrive since she had been literally dragged from the boat , marched along the marina , and bundled into the white-painted Customs building .
24 This was the fourth interim " trial measure " agreed at the talks ; the three measures already agreed covered notification of manoeuvres , procedures to identify bombers carrying air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) , and provisions for reciprocal demonstration of missile identification techniques .
25 This was the fourth such rebellion in three years by the right-wing " carapintadas " faction in the Army .
26 This was the fourth mass killing in Australia in four years .
27 This was the fourth murder of a Sinn Féin member since May and the 59th killing in the province so far in 1991 .
28 This was the fourth legislative election since the Iranian revolution in 1979 , previous ones having been held in March 1980 , May 1984 and April 1988 .
29 This was the fourth attack on her car since October when she moved to her home in Vernon Gardens , Harrowgate Hill .
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