Example sentences of "at about [adj] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Those who opted for the unit trust — the South and East Asia Growth Trust — would have been able to realise their holdings for cash at about 98 per cent of Drayton Asia .
2 We start off at about 85 per cent maximum speed .
3 He is drinking slowly , because it will be a long night , and rough cider usually comes out at about eight per cent alcohol , though nobody is measuring .
4 Increasing atmospheric levels of nitrous oxide currently stand at about eight per cent above pre-industrial levels .
5 With inflation expected to run at about 5 per cent , these boosts represent real gains .
6 The risk that good quality items will not be accepted is the producer 's risk and is commonly set at about 5 per cent .
7 The risk that good quality items will not be accepted is the producer 's risk and is commonly set at about 5 per cent .
8 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
9 Although the share of state borrowing in total company finance has recently been relatively small at about 10 per cent , in a qualitative sense even a small loan by a state institution carries a seal of approval that enormously enhances the standing of companies with their banks .
10 The risk that bad quality items will be accepted is the user 's risk and is commonly set at about 10 per cent .
11 The risk that bad quality items will be accepted is the user 's risk and is commonly set at about 10 per cent .
12 OUTPUT in the Scottish electronics industry in 1991 increased by 2 per cent over the previous year 's , but the industry 's share of employment in Scotland remained at about 13 per cent .
13 The significance of these percentages can be gauged by comparing them with the South East 's share of total manufacturing which stood then at about 27 per cent .
14 The proportion of the London equity market accounted for by private shareholders appears to have stabilised in the past two years at about 18 per cent .
15 Gearing currently stands at about 75 per cent .
16 It is one of France 's largest breeds , large in the chest and pelvis and with a well-developed udder , yielding perhaps 4,500kg at about 4 per cent butterfat and capable of growing into a well-fleshed animal for beef .
17 Gastric juice may be a significant source for the daily loss of iron since it is present in gastric juice at about 3.5 µM , but correlation with gastric acidity or comparison between normal and ulcer patients could not be undertaken because of contamination .
18 American Express sets its margin at about 3.5 per cent , and the banks have forced their rates to retailers down to 1.8 per cent .
19 The value of the discounts works out at about 8 per cent of the sum invested .
20 The new government , perhaps not knowing what else to do , took the drastic step of freezing all savings , while abandoning wage indexing even though inflation was still running at about 8 per cent a month .
21 The total turnout was estimated at about 52 per cent of the electorate .
22 Hanson lost out to Tomkins in its last big bid , for Ranks Hovis MacDougall , and anyway now has a lowly share rating with a yield well above the market average at about six per cent .
23 However , with the exception of very elderly males ( i.e. those aged 85 + ) , the percentage of those aged 65 + being visited at least weekly by their family or friends remains high , at about 70 per cent ( Figure 2.7 ) .
24 Married women and widows who do not qualify for a basic pension in their own right may be entitled to a basic pension on their husband 's contributions at about 60 per cent of the level to which he is entitled ( see ‘ Pensions for women ’ at the end of the chapter ) .
25 The country 's third five-year plan was due to end in June 1990 ; economic growth under the period of the plan was estimated at about 3 per cent per annum , less than the 5.5 per cent annual target .
26 During the second half of the 1960s , GNP had been rising at about 3 per cent a year in Britain .
27 Tropospheric ( surface ) ozone Short-lived but increasing at about 2 per cent a year ; 12 per cent of the current greenhouse effect .
28 For small issues placings tend to be cheaper and faster than offers for sale , ( about 11 ½ per cent of the funds raised for less than £5m as opposed to 14 per cent for offers for sale ) largely as a result of savings in advertising and preparing an offer document , and because of underwriting costs in offers for sale at about 2 per cent of funds raised .
29 A survey in Charity Trends ( 1990 ) of the top 400 companies in the United Kingdom showed corporate support as a share of profit running at about 0.6 per cent .
30 The human oesophagus secretes bicarbonate at about 400 µmol/hour/10 cm , which is a similar order of magnitude to gastric bicarbonate secretion .
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