Example sentences of "he 's looking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I du n no what he 's looking for — maybe he lost summat .
2 I do n't think he finds what he 's looking for , cos after he looks in all the bins he goes off without taking nothing out .
3 Any Palestinian who speaks will have to have the approval of the PLO , but this will not be said publicly because we do n't want to give Shamir the chance to withdraw , which we think he 's looking for an excuse to do . ’
4 Any Palestinian who speaks will have to have the approval of the PLO , but this will not be said publicly because we do n't want to give Shamir the chance to withdraw , which we think he 's looking for an excuse to do . ’
5 He 's looking for goals , not trouble , though , and said : ‘ I think it 's going to a good , open game .
6 He 's looking for an identity and he has n't found it with you . ’
7 He knows that he 's looking for a one-way result .
8 She may just have vital information that will give Bob the lead he 's looking for . ’
9 You 're in the nearside lane and you 're going uphill and er you 're trunking away quite nicely , you see a guy coming down in the fast lane , down the hill getting a bit of a roll on , fully laden , and he gets halfway up the hill , he runs out of steam and he 's looking for a hole to get into .
10 And then you get lots of other unwelcome knocks on the door — one man who says he 's looking for number 11 , another who says he 's a taxi-driver who 's come to the wrong house — and he probably is but his timing is enough to make you rush about panicking and locking the place up like Fort Knox .
11 So while he 's looking for you somebody could run out and kick the tin , there you go and fetch him , and if he 'd caught anybody and when you kicked that tin the other , well you could all go and hide .
12 I do n't know if he 's looking for trouble and of course that er would undermine er what public er relations and everything and we do n't want that .
13 Thomson with the corner he 's looking for Whitlow but it was headed by Rozario Thomson can try again .
14 He 's looking for Goshawk Squadron .
15 Some feedback now Jeff said okay he 's done this course before and he 's looking for feedback to see the level of his competence at this point , but everybody er I 'm sure you will agree by the end of tomorrow will have got feedback .
16 He says that he 's looking for birds preening or doing something which makes a good composition .
17 Gloucestershire 's Richard Mainwaring is so good he walks on water … the British Barefoot Water ski-ing champion defends his title at the Cirencester Club in the Cotswold Water Park this weekend … he 's looking for his ninth win and that will be a world record …
18 Now he 's looking for his next challenge .
19 He 's looking for the remains of a rucksack which caught fire on a shelf in the shop .
20 The friend he 's looking for served with the Royal Military Police in Austria from .
21 Well let me speak to my brother first but erm give Geoff a call , I know that he 's looking for something .
22 ‘ I think he 's looking for his mother . ’
23 He 's looking for ground land .
24 He do n't put any of his clothes away and if he 's looking for anything it 's all fling out of drawers and on the floor , he do n't care .
25 He 's looking for something .
26 Oh he 's looking for
27 What he 's looking for is certified numbers , field numbers
28 Erm those sites are subject to other lo locational restrictions and other environmental restrictions and would n't in our view be appropriate for the sort of development that he 's looking for erm a location in in our context anyway generally speaking along the A one corridor .
29 , he 's gone down , he 's looking for a penalty and it 's been given , the referee consulted the linesman , he looked at his nearside , it was who went in or was it Chris on David , the penalty award has been given by the referee , he looked to confirm it with the linesman on the nearside and that confirmation was all that he had needed to point to the spot .
30 That 's one of the reasons why a removal man when he comes into the place does n't start with one room , upstairs shall we say , and f empty that room then empty another , because he 's looking for sizes and shapes that will fit .
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