Example sentences of "he was arrested [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He was arrested after his mother became suspicious of a package sent to his address and contacted the police .
2 Mrs McGrath said he was arrested after a local newspaper set up a hotline appealing for information .
3 He was arrested when the plot of Sir Henry Dudley [ q.v. ] was uncovered in 1556 , but was again released without indictment .
4 He was arrested and jailed for two years in 1977 .
5 He was arrested and booked into the city jail for driving while intoxicated .
6 Betrayed by one of the inner circle of disciples , Judas , he was arrested and , at passover-time probably in the year 30 of our era , executed by crucifixion — a method of killing in which the preceding torture is prolonged as long as possible , death being certain .
7 ’ Michael Collier 's mistake was to have survived into prosaic Victorian times , whereupon he was arrested and sent to Australia .
8 He was arrested and his files were confiscated soon after Fujimori 's power play .
9 He was arrested and tortured in German and Italian prisons , and once was confined in a bottle-dungeon in which he could neither sit nor stand up .
10 He was arrested and , although there was no blockage of the highway , disorder , or violence , he was later charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty .
11 He was arrested and after a trial before the Tribunal , all of whom he knew well , he was sentenced to a year in Peterhead Gaol .
12 Twice in Morocco he was arrested and interrogated as a spy by the French Foreign Legion who refused to believe that anyone would spend their holidays cycling across the desert in temperatures of 48 ’ C.
13 He was arrested and taken to Alton police station .
14 He was arrested and spent twelve hours in Clark County jail .
15 He told the officer he would assault him to make sure he was arrested and taken to the cells .
16 He was arrested and yesterday he was being held in custody in London while detectives questioned him .
17 Rhee joined the Independence Club soon after his conversion to Christianity ; he was arrested and spent seven years in prison .
18 He rode off towards Dunbar and set sail for his dukedom of Orkney and then for Norway , where he was arrested and confined in due course in the castle of Dragsholm in Denmark .
19 He was arrested and was executed — when was it ? — about September that year . ’
20 He was arrested and kept in the town hall in Fontanellato .
21 He was arrested and detained in Newgate prison in Dublin from February to June 1797 .
22 He held this position until May 1290 , when he was arrested and sent to the Tower and his lands seized , probably as the result of an allegation made against him in the course of the ‘ State Trials ’ .
23 He was arrested and tried for the first time in April 1916 .
24 Selkirk fled to Paris , left his so called secret at St Denis and went to Le Coq d'Or where he was arrested and taken to England . ’
25 Just before he was due to return home for Christmas , he was arrested and charged with possessing , manufacturing and selling alcohol , as well as operating a still .
26 Once shortly after he was arrested and over the weekend when he was examined by a police surgeon . ’
27 but he was arrested and sacked so we have to have a bouncer
28 ( ii ) No , he was arrested as soon as he came out of the water .
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