Example sentences of "he was secretary [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He pinpoints the beginnings of the contemporary resurgence of this theme as Sir Keith Joseph 's speech to the pre-School Playgroups Association on 29 June 1972 , when he was Secretary of State for Social Services .
2 Chairman of the Youth Hostels Trust , a member of the Council for National Parks and the Society of Sussex Downsmen , he was secretary of the Common Land Forum from 1983 to 1986 .
3 We had met a year or two before when he was secretary of the Canadian Mayors ' Federation .
4 He was also and excellent golfer whose handicap at one time reduced to one , and until his resignation due to ill health shortly before his death he was Secretary of Moseley Golf Club .
5 LEGA emphasised the need for an objective appraisal of a prospective co-operative 's commercial prospects : and was critical of the attempt made on Mr Anthony Wedgwood Benn 's insistence when he was Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , to rescue the Scottish Daily News , Kirkby Manufacturing and Engineering Ltd ( KME ) , and Meriden ; and to make the co-operative form the instrument of rescue .
6 He was Secretary of the West African National Secretariat , editor of a paper , The New African , and founder of the Coloured Workers ' Association .
7 He was secretary of the Brazilian bishops ' conference , so he had clearly been in a position , like Jose , this bloke , to test the feeling of people in a wide area .
8 Smith was a leading figure in the local and national movement to promote technical education , beginning with the provision of a new Mechanics ' Institute in Keighley in 1870 — he was secretary of the building committee — and continuing , after a formative visit to France , Germany , and Switzerland in 1872 , with the setting up of an associated ‘ trade school ’ , providing technical and art classes .
9 Boris Yeltsin built his early popular reputation on his castigating of bureaucratic privilege while he was secretary of the Communist Party in Moscow ( Jozsa , 1990 , pp. 23–9 ) .
10 Given the comments of the right hon. Member for Bath ( Mr. Patten ) , when he was Secretary of State for the Environment , that national parks were the jewels in the crown , does the Minister not think it fair that that should apply to the entire United Kingdom , not least to my constituency which contains Loch Lomond which is facing ecological disaster as a result of the political intransigence of the blockheads in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh ?
11 I observed the way in which the Commissioner concerned applied the rules when he was Secretary of State for Scotland .
12 If anyone needs to be convinced about the need to release the money for grants , it is the hon. Gentleman 's right hon. Friend , Commissioner Millan , who is now attacking the additionality rules that he defended when he was Secretary of State for Scotland .
13 The Secretary of State for Education and Science sits on the Treasury Bench , treating us over this Bill just as he did when he was Secretary of State for Health .
14 He was secretary to the Belfast Society for Promoting Knowledge ( the future Linen Hall Library ) , 1794–6 , and assistant secretary to the Royal Belfast Academical Institution , 1812–43 .
15 Due either to age or lack of an appropriate patron , he held no central office again until 1668–9 , when he was secretary to the public accounts committee , the body charged with investigating whether financial malpractice had contributed to the naval disaster at the end of the second Dutch war .
16 He was the founder in 1864 of the Liverpool Adult Deaf and Dumb Benevolent Society and , with the aid of public subscriptions , responsible for the building of the Liverpool Institute for the Adult Deaf and Dumb , of which he was Secretary for sixty years .
17 Incidentally , he was n't known as Chief Education Officer , he was Secretary for Education , he only became Chief Education Officer after the war but erm he was the Controller of Shift E and most of the education staff were on Shift E.
18 A long-serving member of the Cabinet , he had been appointed to President Robert Mugabe 's first independence government as Minister of Transport and Power in March 1980 , and was also a member of the ruling party 's political bureau , where he was Secretary for Youth .
19 He helped establish the Liverpool Medical Society ( of which he was secretary from 1833 and president 1836–8 ) and also the Liverpool Medical Institution ( becoming in 1840 its first secretary ) .
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