Example sentences of "he knows [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 But he knows what will happen if war comes .
2 He knows we could make it difficult for him .
3 Looking at John , he knows they will .
4 He was surprised to be chosen to do the gates , but he knows they will work out right .
5 He knows they can all play well or badly — and they can all be beaten .
6 Because he knows it would n't work , that 's why not .
7 Unemployed , he would love to resume a career in football , even though he knows it would have to be in an off-the-field capacity .
8 His dream is only an illusion and he knows it can not be realised .
9 Les Ferdinand makes his debut in Shearer 's frontline slot — and now he knows it can become a long-term chance .
10 All readers probably assimilate Gollum early on to the now-familiar image of a ‘ drug-addict ’ , craving desperately for a ‘ fix ’ even though he knows it will kill him .
11 He knows it will need work .
12 ‘ But knowing the little person he is , he 'll want to do something about the problem he has because he knows it will help other children , too .
13 He knows it will always get a laugh .
14 I struggled to get him into bed and he started to do deep breathing exercises , which he knows I ca n't stand when I 'm trying to get to sleep .
15 " He 's obviously gone some place he knows I would disapprove of — which probably means something involving the Irish sympathizers … "
16 He knows I would n't have one .
17 He knows where I live , he knows I wo n't go to the Old Bill . ’
18 ‘ If we go for a drive in his Escort and anything goes wrong with it , he knows I 'll be there to put it right ! ’
19 Above all else , he 's a businessman and he knows I 'll do the work for less than someone with papers because he knows I have no choice . ’
20 ‘ That 's possible — he knows I 'll be looking for him — but he 'll have to remain in this country until he can collect his legacy , and by then he 'll expect me to have given up . ’
21 ‘ Oh , ’ she said , ‘ he knows I 'll get in touch when I can . ’
22 ‘ The last thing I want to do is spoil Thomas or have him look forward to my visits simply because he knows I 'll arrive bearing gifts . ’
23 Knighton added : ‘ If Martin does decide to sell some of his shares at some future date , he knows I will be there . ’
24 He knew as he could come to me er he used to bring me lock keys of all sorts and er he could get the castings or the patterns or what it is like that and he knows I could fashion them to fit the lock and all that sort of thin and we were very
25 No , cos he knows he 'll piss off , I know Barry used to take the piss at him
26 He knows he ca n't win the race with his hands tied behind his back , or his toes chopped off .
27 He knows he ca n't !
28 He knows he would probably lose now and can afford to bide his time .
29 You 'll find there 's a certain kind of boy will have a go at you now because he knows he wo n't be able to touch you once you 've left school .
30 He knows he wo n't live to see his Martian polar dreams fulfilled , although man may be on Mars early next century .
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