Example sentences of "he 's [been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He 's been called up ! ’
2 This case provides the clearest indication of how the popular press may trade in deciding the appropriate nickname for a new case when the Star decided to focus special attention on this rape of a 6-year-old ‘ He 's been called The Beast , The Monster , the evil sex maniac … .
3 Back in the car G. repeats that the day has been typical except we have n't been called up on the radio and he 's been called up twenty-nine times in the last month .
4 Many 's the night he 's been called out in the small hours … ’
5 He 's been called upon to help his hometown of Ross on Wye beat the effects of the recession .
6 He 's been called the boy they ca n't lock up .
7 since he 's been born he 's saying he 's said got five chest infections .
8 there 's a story here in the paper , I do n't know whether you 've read it about a little boy , ten weeks old and he 's been born with all his organs on the wrong side of his body
9 ‘ And that would have been ironic , would n't it , now he 's been posted back to HQ .
10 " He 's been posted to one of those bloody awful oil-rigs in the North Sea , and he wo n't be back till Christmas .
11 He 's been appointed to a splendid living in one of the Kensington parishes .
12 He 's been appointed to Uxbridge 's staff , sir . ’
13 At the moment we just give it to Rojas — he 's the fourth assistant and a local and he 's been appointed postman .
14 He 's been appointed to , as it were , look after this section .
15 He 's been appointed the zoo vet . ’
16 And yes , he 's been mistaken for food a few times !
17 Real Men with John Ritter its , its really wacky , like he 's this fucking secret agent stuff , I never smoke unless its after six and he just , he 's this John Ritter and his got this really mild of character but he 's been mistaken for an , an agent and he 's , he 's , he 's going
18 indeed , he , he 's been revered as an intellectual player , erm , he , a thinking player , a shining example , and of course , that , that shows up in , in statistics when you read about what he 's achieved , and you think , you know , fifty six caps for Northern Ireland .
19 ‘ Dad is n't going to have to go away any more — he 's been made vice-president — gon na sit in an office all day right here in Tollemarche . ’
20 He 's been made redundant and is desperate for work . ’
21 Cos the last I see he 's been made redundant now has n't he ?
22 He 's been made up this morning , he 's had a big tax rebate , fifteen hundred quid !
23 Because like she said , here he 's been made redundant once , and he stands another chance of just starting
24 Well , the police have been involved , and I suppose he 's been cautioned now because they 've investigated and found that thi that it was scaring the sheep and that , yes i , he was right to do what he did he quite within his rights and whatever .
25 ‘ You say he 's been charged with assault … ’
26 He 's been charged in connection with the alleged murder of Swindon man Stephen Davison whose mutilated Torso was found in a lake at Reigate in Surrey .
27 He 's been granted bail , provided he lives at a secret address .
28 He 's been granted conditional bail until October the twenty-second .
29 Albert Pacey made his announcement at the headquarters in Cheltenham where he 's been based for nearly six years .
30 He 's been paralysed with fear since you told him . )
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