Example sentences of "he does not want " in BNC.

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1 He says he does not want to privatise loss-making state industries , or change the labour laws that make it virtually impossible for an employer to fire any employee .
2 On the other hand he does not want to jeopardise his shadowy courtship of Indonesia 's 160m Muslims .
3 He says he wants a compromise acceptable to Britain and its partners — which means he does not want to stop other countries moving towards EMU .
4 The region 's problems are mainly political , in his view , and he does not want more strains on the Community budget .
5 His term ends on December 31st and he does not want another one .
6 In Washington this week Mr Ozal made it clear that he does not want either a Kurdish state or a divided Iraq .
7 He does not want opinion polls banned , as is the case in Australia and some European countries .
8 And while he accepts that a lack of funds could be a serious obstacle to change , he does not want to be ‘ mesmerised by difficulties ’ .
9 No one can deny that he is more exciting , excitable and unconventional , with a mix of old and new Hollywood rolled up into a package that mixes James Dean with Humphrey Bogart , though Nicholson insists that he does not want to be compared with anyone .
10 The trainer then has to decide whether the horse is being rather stubborn and refuses to work because he does not want to or because there is something preventing him from relaxing and settling down .
11 Against the use of a letter it must be noted that it is not easy to write a short but very clear letter explaining everything the informant may want to know , and if the recipient decides that she or he does not want to co-operate then she/he is warned in advance of the interviewer 's call .
12 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
13 He is more likely to borrow than barter , since he does not want to part with his own .
14 Even allowing that man 's capacity to overlook what he does not want to see is almost unlimited , the folk of this age can hardly have failed to observe that new law was being made all the time .
15 Lola kept track of patients whose personalities were as variable as the weather ( ‘ One minute Paul says he does not want his wife any more and the next he has changed his mind ’ ) , she listened to their grievances ( ‘ Josef thinks he is fit to work and look after himself ; says he is being kept a prisoner … but he is very confused and deluded ’ ) and even mediated between doctors ( ‘ Dr Freymann said … it must be a genuine case of epilepsy … but …
16 ‘ In the early 1990s there will be an opportunity to free himself from a role he does not want . ’
17 He said he does not want to be late returning home .
18 ‘ I think Bowe 's position is that he does not want to fight me because he thinks he 'll get beaten .
19 He does not want his team disrupted and is even more concerned that one might be injured while playing for the county .
20 Child screams , head bangs , hand bites and hits out when compelled to do something he does not want to do .
21 Taylor says he does not want to get involved in emotional situations — but football is about emotion , and it disappoints me that Taylor does not want to show his .
22 He does not want the army to feel that it is the subject of a witch-hunt .
23 He enjoys the security of a group ; like the fat boy in the school photograph , he does not want to push his way to the front .
24 He does not want to fade away from the scene .
25 He is looking for an easy rapport , but he does not want it to be too easy .
26 It is even against the wishes of the Hon. Member for Tayside ( Mr. Walker ) , because he has made it clear that he does not want Stagecoach to succeed in his area .
27 Clearly , in comparison with the British system , much greater energy and frustration will be expended by the President , for there is no guarantee that any proposal he makes will pass at all , let alone free of amendments that he does not want and does not like .
28 The seller may be entirely happy with the position or , as we began this discussion by assuming , he may decide that he does not want to hold so much wealth in the form of money .
29 Worthy of note was the fact that for the first time in over 20 years we had a pensioner member playing in the event and whilst he does not want his name or score noted .
30 He does not want to say the words out loud .
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