Example sentences of "on the following day " in BNC.

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1 That second night in the porch was enough and I resolved to move on the following day , whatever happened .
2 As I mentioned to you yesterday , those bastards are going to attack us , or we shall be attacking them tomorrow , certainly on the following day . ’
3 In fact the son 's military train , despite the fact that it has priority ( a hangover from the days of the armoured trains ) , only passes through on the following day , when his mother has left .
4 On the following day , 7 November , there would be a joint parade by trade-union representatives and their military comrades .
5 The cordon was eventually lifted at 1900 hours and the section flown home , only to prepare for a very full day 's patrolling on the following day .
6 The changed version appeared on the following day 's order paper .
7 He died on the following day .
8 On the following day , the coal owners locked out those miners who would not work at lower rates of pay — of up to 49 per cent in the badly affected export area of South Wales — and attempted to suspend national agreements .
9 On the following day the jury signed a verdict that the 1277 perambulation still set forth the true bounds .
10 The last Spanish governor left Milan on 29 September 1706 , to be replaced on the following day by Austrian and Piedmontian troops .
11 It came on 28 October , and Il Duce took an overnight train to Rome to accept the king 's offer on the following day .
12 Volunteers are naturally eager to know how well the event has done so it 's best that the cash is totalled before they leave then either banked straight away or placed in the safe keeping of the headteacher or the deputy until the bank opens on the following day .
13 On the following day the little Englishman … had his violin brought to our rooms and played the whole afternoon , Wolfgang accompanying on his own .
14 The American operation on the following day was in a class all its own .
15 When Heseltine launched his campaign on the following day he made a shrewd tactical switch .
16 On the following day , the day of their return ( only they were not to be expected until the late evening ) Franca , who was so used to being by herself , was unable to perform any ordinary activity .
17 On the following day , and to his surprise , Tony Crosland succeeded Michael Stewart as Secretary of State for Education and Science .
18 On the following day , I formally became co-ordinator , although a good deal of preliminary negotiation had been completed .
19 On the following day the appellant would have to be taken before the magistrates ' court : section 46 .
20 On the following day , a sprinkling of ash fell over a wide area , and a great column of steam was seen rising above Krakatoa , leaving no doubt that a major eruption was under way .
21 On the following day after the Christians had taken possession of the town , the Cid entered it with a great company , and he ascended the highest tower of the wall , and beheld all the city ; and the Moors came unto him , and kissed his hand , saying he was welcome .
22 Coleridge arrived in the town late on Saturday 13 January , and on the following day preached two trial sermons in the Unitarian chapel .
23 This was completed by 10th November , and Hall sent it to Palmerston on the following day .
24 On the following day , Lewis returned to the position of before the competition , when he said in the House that the land authorized under the 1855 Act ‘ would be sufficient for the site of the two offices which it was now contemplated to erect ’ .
25 The Memorial , signed by the Honorary Secretaries , was sent to the three Ministers on 24th March , 1858 , and ordered by the House of Commons to be published on the following day .
26 On the following day , Stanley told the Finance Committee of the India Council that they had been offered this site , and pointed out the advantages of buying the land from the Government rather than obtaining a special Act of Parliament .
27 Fitzroy acquiesced and said that they would be placed in a Reading Room on the following day .
28 There we would gaze at the massive steam engines , all ready connected to their huge waggons , to make a quick getaway to The Market Place at dawn on the following day .
29 When we got home , Dad came to the rescue , with the necessary bob ( as a shilling was called ) and so , on the following day , I became the proud owner of my very own tool set .
30 Every two years or so , production staff would be faced with a choice : shut down the plant for two weeks to avoid an explosion or let the contraption blow up and restart full production on the following day .
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