Example sentences of "be more cost [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The infrastructure of permanent residential quarters , offices etc. may come later , but it might transpire that a ‘ floating base ’ would be more cost effective and enable better geographical coverage .
2 Simple simulations can be as effective for training purposes as more elaborate ones and can certainly be more cost effective .
3 They will still meet their contractual obligations but at a time more beneficial to the patients and thus be more cost effective .
4 By having direct links with national policy makers and avoiding duplication of research effort it would be more cost effective than channelling research funds through local bodies .
5 The statistical viability of random sampling is then compared with the non or semi-statistical viability of the other two techniques , which , in turn , may be more cost effective relative to market research objectives .
6 Would it not be more cost effective to provide a new hospital in North Down rather than spending large sums on extending the Ulster Hospital or rebuilding 200 beds at the Royal Group of Hospitals , ’ he concluded .
7 A systematic and documented approach will be more cost effective , auditable and more likely to come to the right conclusions .
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