Example sentences of "be the most likely " in BNC.

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1 These testimonies , including interviews with Panamanian human rights monitors , hospital workers , ambulance drivers and funeral home directors , led ICI to conclude that US strategy involved the use of military terror to eliminate or intimidate specific sectors of the population thought to be the most likely to resist .
2 Twelve hundred words a week , week in , week out , at a rate something in excess of £1 per word — well , not too bad a life , actually , would be the most likely response of those facing the 14th , 15th , 16th … years of Conservative rule in rather more straitened circumstances — if , of course , they were to read his column .
3 A fine appears to be the most likely course of action . ’
4 This last might seem to be the most likely possibility but , if so , we are presented with yet another mystery : how can a theory which works so well for black holes not work equally well for their direct counterparts , white holes ?
5 According to SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander 's view of the microprocessor world , the IBM Corp-Motorola Inc PowerPC RISC microprocessor would be the most likely candidate for Solaris ' next port of call .
6 DEC has n't yet said which Alpha systems will run the Windows NT operating system it has picked up , but the workstation range looks to be the most likely candidate .
7 What do you consider to be the most likely functions of the following ?
8 Officers respond by going immediately to the places suspected to be the most likely sources of the effluent .
9 And yesterday Taoiseach Albert Reynolds did not rule out the possibility of the contest being held in the province , but 24 hours later RTE chief John Sorohan said Dublin would be the most likely venue .
10 Marc Bazin , the leader of the MIDH , who was a liberal economist and former Finance Minister and World Bank official , and who was considered by most observers to be the most likely candidate to win fair and free presidential elections , was not believed to have been amongst those detained .
11 As one of Japan 's most senior political figures , prior to becoming ill Abe was widely believed to be the most likely successor to Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu upon the expiry of his current term in October .
12 Based on these findings , extranodal recurrence of Hodgkin 's disease , limited to the oesophageal wall , was considered to be the most likely diagnosis .
13 Kelly , right now looks to be the most likely , and Possibly only Leeds player to be going to the world cup .
14 A spokesman for Greenpeace said that industrial pollution appeared to be the most likely cause .
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