Example sentences of "be covered by a " in BNC.

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1 All these can be covered by a simple set of wording in your Will which we would be happy to provide .
2 If you inherit one of these , it must be covered by a service agreement or it is unreliable .
3 Wandering pains ( like Pulsatilla ) and very severe pains in small spots , such as can be covered by a thumb tip , are characteristic .
4 The 200 km Los Angeles to San Diego route for example could be covered by a Bullet train in just 59 minutes .
5 These masks only allowed a small amount of light to escape through a central slot , which could be covered by a red slide to convert it to a tail lamp .
6 The unit to be covered by a scheme does not have to be a company , which in itself is an advantage , but it has to have Companies Act-style accounts and have them audited , which could be expensive .
7 The cost of operating the exchange could be covered by a small transfer charge , based perhaps on a ‘ height × distance from the road ’ basis .
8 The arms may be covered by a thin covering of skin which may obscure the plates .
9 In practice the proposed social measures — the right of every worker to be covered by a collective agreement , the right of workers to lifelong educational opportunities , and so on — seem modest enough , but have provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing economic circles in the UK .
10 Set out below is a list of possible terms and considerations to be covered by a profit definition .
11 If there is a particular liability that is causing concern which has been identified prior to contract but is not precisely quantifiable , it may be appropriate that it should not be covered by a warranty at all but by an indemnity or other specific provision .
12 Areas to be covered by a common foreign security policy would be decided by consensus by the European Council but thereafter decisions on these issues could be decided by a weighted majority .
13 The Senate amendment provided that the right of EC citizens resident in France to vote in European and local elections would be covered by a law " voted in the same terms by both assemblies " , whereas the National Assembly under Article 45 of the Constitution could be asked by the government to " rule definitively " on legislation if the two houses could not agree .
14 If a long hall was to be vaulted by a cross or groined vault the room would be divided by piers into square bays each of which would be covered by a cross vault .
15 With the advent of the National Curriculum , many museums will be able to offer advice on what subjects and attainment targets can be covered by a visit , and at what levels .
16 The tenant 's liability to carry out repairs will be covered by a covenant to keep " the demised property " in repair ; but a covenant to pay a fair proportion of the cost of repairing party structures not included in the demise must be separately imposed .
17 Er the difficulties with P P G seven and the countryside are exemplified in paragraph one ten which Mr Donson refers to as his guiding principle , in one single paragraph it manages to include three separate uses of the word countryside , wider countryside , the countryside and open countryside , indicating perhaps some of the difficulties in in erm identifying exactly what area it is that would be covered by a Policy E two .
18 The rundown of Aycliffe Hospital would also affect the district budget although financial risks should be covered by a bridging policy agreed with mental handicap services throughout Darlington and Teesdale .
19 In fact , the cost of investing in a copy should just about be covered by a ‘ human genetic material ’ donation or two ( men only ) , do n't you think ?
20 For example , ‘ in the case of shunting , the work should be covered by a foreman and three ‘ station specialists ’ .
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