Example sentences of "be told [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 LIBERAL Democrats on Sheffield City Council are asking to be told about the financial state of GB Universiade , the company organising the World Student Games in 1991 , writes John Rodda .
2 Details of the Soviet initiative were kept secret but reports in the German newspaper Bild ( Chancellor Helmut Kohl was noticeably the first foreign leader to be told about the proposal ) and elsewhere revealed its outline .
3 There are many ways in which the work-force can be told about the relocation .
4 They believed that for once the truth should be told about the difficult life Diana has led and , for the most part , still leads .
5 Half an hour later Julia agreed the police should not be told about the number plate until Tuesday .
6 The nation should be told about the chaos , poverty and hardship that the Government have created in deprived areas throughout the country .
7 Donald Lees is working away from home and has yet to be told about the sentence :
8 CLEVELAND 'S Transport 2,000 group will be told about the new Middlesbrough to Liverpool through train services by Richard Hast , marketing manager for Regional Railways , at its meeting tomorrow .
9 So that was when I first started to be told about the possibility that I might not be able to have any children .
10 Many more stories could be told of the effects of the bomb — of terrible burns and of people dying slowly from radiation .
11 The patient should be told of the mode of address used in that particular hospital for professional staff .
12 A similar if less conspicuous story might be told of the Reed conglomerate .
13 In due course , the company informed their financial advisers of the new arrangement and agreed that in the circumstances , proper practice dictated that D be told of the new development .
14 At the start of the following week , James Callaghan , then a young Parliamentary Secretary , was among a group of Ministers outside the Cabinet who were summoned to be told of the Cabinet 's decision .
15 Monckton , when brought into the meeting of ministers ( it was not a full Cabinet ) to be told of the adverse decision , said that it might delay matters by weeks .
16 The suspect must also be told of the ground of arrest at the time or as soon as is practicable thereafter ( s.28(3) and D.P.P.
17 Conclusions arrived at from the interim report following Semester 1 interviews pointed to an apparent need ( indeed , a desire ) on the part of students for them to be told of the Enterprise Content in each module in advance and for a level of understanding about transferable skills to be attained by students upon their arrival at Napier .
18 Where a solicitor realises himself that he has been negligent or his client makes a claim against him on that ground , the client must be told of the circumstances ( if he is not already aware of them ) and be advised to seek independent advice .
19 And the similar tale can be told of the , the episode in Little Rock .
20 ‘ Charter train operators must be told of the reprieve so they can approach BR about running trains this summer to test the water .
21 The ITN report said that unions would be told of the job losses today , when annual profits are published .
22 Tourism attraction operators in Cheshire will be told of the latest developments in home and overseas marketing at a forum this month .
23 Staff were called to a special meeting last night to be told of the proposed changes .
24 But perhaps for the particular plot you have arrived at , the particular murder you have in mind , a good deal will have to be told to the reader about pre-murder events .
25 The story of Dod , the Doric-speaking protagonist , and his encounters with Gaels and other inhabitants of the oil platform he works on , will be told for the first time on Saturday , 20 February , at Broadford .
26 If you want one , we can do it at the same time as the valuation , at a reduced fee , but we must be told at the outset .
27 Cheryl Wragg , 34 , was airlifted 150 miles for the operation , just weeks after 10-year-old Adele 's appeal , only to be told at the last minute the lungs were unsuitable .
28 However , we all know what it is like to start something entirely new and to be told at the beginning that rows of holes have to be followed by two knit rows and then , when it all seems to be going well , to discover that there are two transferring rows one after the other , sounding like a contradiction in terms .
29 If you require payments on account of costs or in advance of disbursements , or you reserve the right to raise hourly rates during the lifetime of the case , the client must be told at the outset of the case .
30 There 's one case , however , where a buyer can be told at the inception of a matter that the lease will provide that it ca n't be assigned without the lessor 's licence : the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and one or two other bodies insist on such a covenant in all their leases .
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