Example sentences of "he could stop [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Before he could stop her , she had poured the contents of a small phial into her ale , consumed it , and almost immediately fallen to the floor .
2 He leapt from the bed , still determined to get past his confusions to the grim truth he 'd coupled with , but she was already halfway through the door , and the only way he could stop her was to seize hold of her arm .
3 She said , ‘ Mr Evans , I 've something to tell you , something important , ’ and then rushed straight into it before he could stop her and say , ‘ Clear out while I 'm eating . ’
4 He grudgingly let the excuse pass , and Jo ran off to get ready before he could stop her again .
5 Or he could stop him .
6 Then she remembered Guido 's threat that he could stop him working anywhere in Italy , and suddenly she did n't feel quite so relieved any more .
7 Dismayed at the pain he had inflicted and at the pain he himself felt in consequence , Richard rushed forward , then stopped a few feet from Victoria twisting from side to side in frustration , wondering how he could stop her crying .
8 ‘ You have a habit of ill-humour ’ — his thoughts spoke themselves before he could stop them .
9 Surere 's eyes gave away his thought before he could stop them .
10 Before he could stop them the memories came galloping back .
11 SHe could n't understand how , when he was clearly so wound up and frantic about his daughter 's development , he could stop himself from taking part in it .
12 Before he could stop himself , a piercing howl was forced through his teeth .
13 He did n't mean to say it ; the words were nut before he could stop himself .
14 The words were out before he could stop himself .
15 As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad .
16 ‘ And a very green salad , ’ he said to the waiter before he could stop himself .
17 And before he could stop himself some part of his brain that had nothing to do took control of his mouth and added , ‘ Heroes , in fact . ’
18 He dared not pull away , even though he did not want her to feel his changing body , but at this point one of her gentle caresses touched the corner of his mouth and before he could stop himself his mouth was on hers , and restrain himself as he might it was a lover 's kiss , not a friend 's .
19 I felt he could stop his pulse if he wanted to and induce his own death .
20 His jaw clenched before he could stop it .
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