Example sentences of "he would stand for " in BNC.

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1 Erm John said he informed me he he 'd stand for Monk again and he I told him to write write a .
2 He was offered constituencies ; it was taken for granted that he would stand for Parliament in the first post-war elections .
3 This recommendation was in apparent contradiction to an interview given by Saddam Hussein broadcast on French television on July 9 , in which he stated that he hoped that the first free and democratic presidential elections in the country 's history would take place later in the year and that he would stand for re-election alongside other candidates .
4 Suharto 's pronouncements , although clouded in typical ambiguity , certainly gave the impression that he would stand for a sixth term .
5 At this time Klaus announced that he would stand for the post of Czech ( rather than federal ) Prime Minister , a move described by the Independent of June 19 as the " clearest possible sign that the Czechs have finally given up on the federation which they had fought for " .
6 At a rally in Madrid 's main bullring to celebrate the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) 's 10 years in power , Prime Minister Felipe González Márquez confirmed on Oct. 25 that he would stand for re-election for a fourth term .
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