Example sentences of "he have found [det] " in BNC.

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1 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
2 He has found any number of treasured possessions for me .
3 The Chancellor has been able to offer this help because he has found some extra money in the Exchequer 's coffers .
4 At least out here they had to play according to some sort of standard of fairness , even if it was a standard they could change as they went along according to how it suited them ( like doubling the bus fares just after he 'd found that job way out in Brentford ) , but in prison , even more so than in a mental hospital , there were no real limits to what they could do to him .
5 Ever since he had been at high school he 'd found some enjoyment and relief by getting back at them in ways they obviously did n't expect .
6 ‘ And Dr Kemp — he 'd found another woman , too ? ’ asked Morse , cruelly insistent .
7 Mike was there every day , being nice to me and telling me not to worry about anything , he 'd found this flat and his mother was seeing to furnishing it and they were making arrangements for the wedding .
8 He had looked for a loophole in their guard , he had found that crevice at the first time of asking .
9 He had found little time for romance since his marriage ended .
10 When I met Dr Kallman in May last year , this study had not been completed , but he was able to suggest a number of locations along a new road to the east of Sarabia , where he had found several new populations .
11 Although his cold manner made it difficult for me to talk to him , I had to ask him whether he had found any employment for me .
12 Bernheim 's results suggested that he had found some substances which were good for tubercle bacilli , and , by applying the principle of competitive antagonism , he sought closely related compounds which would also be taken up by them but would block the pathway of the stimulants .
13 Trawler boss Alan Ayres , who has accused the Navy of a cover-up , said he had found some schoolchildren who could help him prove the Pescado was sunk by a submarine 18 months ago .
14 In some forgotten corner of the text he had found some vague pledge that no one else had noticed .
15 All at once she had the uncomfortable feeling that he had found some deeper meaning in her remark and was silently agreeing with her ; then he laughed , and the moment passed .
16 He had found some fence posts slack and claimed that it was impossible to reach the lifebelts from outside the fence .
17 By June 23rd he had found some , and took off to fly the bag to Balsley in his hospital .
18 but then later on in the day he rung back and said he had found some bilingual signs but all he 's got were about four foot square er with census point ahead .
19 Then he explained how he had found this incredible contentment : ‘ I can do all things through him who gives me strength . ’
20 ‘ It inspected me , ’ said Caspar , sounding as if he had found this amusing .
21 Recently he told me he had found another book to browse in , but he was n't going to tell me what it was , not for any price … ’
22 No doubt , he had found another woman , and to Sandra and to Molly , he was gone for ever .
23 She became convinced that he had found another woman and concentrated on trying to find out who she was .
24 Although Hardy came to declare that no book of his had ever contained less of himself , it is difficult not to see in Jude a symbolic statement of all that he had found most disappointing in his life and in the human condition in general .
25 It 's no good sending him to Herod , he 's found that out .
26 Erm , if somebody could spend a little bit of time with Ilias because we 've got this language problem and I know that he 's found this a little bit difficult , I think he would appreciate it tonight , when you get together please .
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